4:00 - 4:05 p.m. - Announcements (5 minutes) 


Evan Levine announces another small merger. Three staff from the Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) have joined OIT: Josh Smith, who will continue in a management position, Carlos Fernandez, and Stephen Sample. 


John Board announces that Robert Wolpert is now an emeritus professor. Robert Wolpert has been very active in providing IT direction for Duke University and was instrumental in bringing Tracy Futhey to Duke. 


4:05 - 4:35 p.m. - Panopto Update, Todd Stabley, Evan Levine (20 minute presentation, 10 minute discussion) 


What it is: In February, Media Technologies shared our plans with ITAC to move Panopto, Duke's enterprise platform for recording and sharing video, to the cloud. We met our goal to be live in the cloud by July 2, and we would like to update ITAC on how the project went, underscoring the new directions for the service and capabilities this migration makes possible for Panopto users at Duke. 


Why it's relevant: Todd will provide an overview of the migration project, the work involved by the extended project team, and the impact on our customers at Duke. 


Evan Levine introduces Todd Stabley who has recently completed the huge project of migrating Panopto to the cloud. 


Todd talked to ITAC about this upcoming project back in February and he is happy to announce that the project has been completed successfully. On July 2, 2021, Duke switched to the new Panopto cloud site. The project took about a year: 


6/2020: Began testing on Panopto Cloud 

9/2020: Invite Panopto site administrators to test 

2/2021: Production site made available 

2/2021: 5/2021: Pre-migration cleanup 

3/2021: Began content migration 

7/2021: Went live 


Key Components of the project included: 


1. Media migration 


2. Metadata migration 


3. Shibboleth/Grouper integration 


4. Sakai LTI 


5. Kits integration 


6. Recorder upgrades 


7. Vendor security assessment 


8. Contract approval 


9. DNS redirects 


10. Zoom integration 


11. Metrics 


527.87 TB of data and 71,997 total recordings were migrated. They included over one hundred million files as there are several thousand files per recording. 


Todd compares the previous on-prem Panopto environment with the current cloud version of Panopto. When Panopto was on-prem, Panopto was primarily room-based and involved scheduled recordings. Now, Panopto includes both classroom and browser-based recordings and content from Warpwire, Zoom, and other sources. When Panopto was on-prem, a defined set of admins acted as gatekeepers. Now, there are many new self-provisioning options for anyone with a netid. Finally, Panopto was a start-up when Duke began using their product. Now, Panopto leads the industry.  


Todd enumerates the following benefits of Panopto Cloud: 


1. Automated creation of course folders in Sakai  


2. Eliminates cloud/on-prem feature gap; new features include: 


a. Zoom integration 


b. new browser-based recording tool (up to 4k) 


c. mobile playback includes rich media 


d. new feature set around speech recognition and OCR 


e. improved editor 


3. Easier on-boarding of new working groups at Duke 


4. Improved playback for global audiences, including DKU 


5. Improved live broadcasting – Zoom is still de facto for broadcasting but Panopto can support 10,000 users simultaneously 


6. Anyone at Duke can initiate a support ticket with Panopto 


7. Simplified upgrades 


8. Simplified troubleshooting 


9. Improved Shibboleth/Grouper integration, including faster response times 


10. Re-vamped kits integration 


Todd demos some of these features including the create button. 


Initial feedback has been very positive and includes: 


1. Sakai integration makes folder setup easier 


2. Automated speech recognition is in high demand 


3. Ability to refine working units is a relief 


4. Recordings are available faster 


5. UI is more responsive 


6. Search is faster 


7. Live broadcasting is solid 


8. Site admins like being able to initiate their own support tickets 


Todd demos the Zoom integration with Panopto and shows how to set this up in Panopto: User Settings – Info – Meeting Import Settings – check Zoom. Todd shows some analytics. 


Evan Levine adds that Panopto supports 14 languages. 


Q. Victoria Szabo – When do I use Zoom and when do I use Panopto? 


A. Todd – Panopto is more for recording and viewing as wanted. Zoom is still better for the asynchronous needs of the classroom. 


Q. Victoria Szabo – Where do we keep all these recordings? 


A. Todd – Panopto is a better place to keep recordings and Panopto provides better playback features. 


Q. David MacAlpine – So we do lectures on Zoom and then, bring lectures we want to keep into Panopto but at what point do we break the bank? 


A. Todd – Right now, Panopto is effective as a solution as long as we are not keeping what is not being used. 


A. Evan clarifies that we pay for Panopto but there is no separate cost for storage. 


A. John Board clarifies that Zoom is the most expensive per byte for keeping recordings. 


Q. Paul Jaskot – I'm curious about the IP provision. 


A. Todd – There is no provision to remove recordings if staff leave Duke. If the assets are needed, they can be reassigned but not specifically with IP in mind. 


A. Evan – We would not lose access to content and although access can be reassigned, we don't take providing access lightly. 


A. Shawn Miller – Per the Faculty Handbook, Duke faculty own all the IP for their courses and materials. So faculty could come back and request any recordings be taken down. 


A. Evan concludes that there is now the ability to implement a more complicated policy once there is a policy.  


4:35 - 5:00 p.m. - DKU Update, Judy Heath, Bob Johnson, Valerie Hausman (15 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion) 


What it is: Duke Kunshan University begins the fall semester with similar challenges as Duke with pandemic realities that impact student and faculty abilities to be on campus. As we approach a new fall semester, DKU will be embracing a hybrid model of teaching and learning again as the pandemic has quickly changed the ability for not only international students and faculty to be in-person, but now also in-country Chinese students who are not already residing on-campus. As the DKU campus continues to grow with new faculty and students, paired with the phase 2 expansion, additional network growth is needed along with changes to simplify access to Western and other sources of information needed for teaching and research. 


Why it's relevant: The pandemic continues to shape the course of events globally with new and unexpected challenges.  Despite the rapidly changing circumstances, DKU has successfully admitted their largest class of students to date (many of whom will be starting their academic careers at Duke this fall).  Duke also opened registration to DKU students this week for the spring semester in anticipation travel to China will remain unattainable. Substantial work is planned to expand the core network at DKU and creative solutions for easing access to western resources are in motion.  The continued woes of traveling to China will have impacts on the foreseeable future with implications varying from graduation ceremonies of the first class of undergraduate students at DKU to phase 2 AV implementations critical for the teaching and learning environment. 


Valerie Hausman kicked off the conversation and gave an overview of the agenda for today's DKU update. For the discussion, the talking points are below: 


Phase 2 Campus Construction Update 


DKU UG Application and Enrollment Update 


Duke-DKU Collaboration 


Covid-19 context 


DKU Students at Duke 


Fall, 20201 


Spring, 2022 Planning 


Q & A 


For the first talking point, Valerie talked about Phase 2 of the DKU Campus construction.  


Valerie mentioned that the Phase 1 campus is 200 acres. Phase 2 will double the size of the existing campus. Phase 2 also includes state-of-the-art spaces for living and learning, including a new library, sports complex, residence halls for graduate and undergraduate students and employee housing. The completion date is scheduled by July 2022, but delays are expected due to the Covid shutdown, a lack of manpower, the long rainy season in spring 2021, and the need for coordination between two contractors said Valerie.  


Judy then demoed a YouTube video regarding the Phase 2 DKU campus construction. Valerie also showed the group some images detailing the construction of the Phase 2 DKU campus construction.  


Next, Valerie talked about the total expected DKU Undergraduate enrollment for Fall 2021. 


The breakdown of UG student enrollment predictions is as follows: 


- First-year of Full enrollment: 


- Total students' classes 22-25: 1291 


- China: 69% 


- Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan: 2% 


- International: 29% 


- Steady State Enrollment ~2,000 post phase 2 Completion.  


Valerie continued to talk about the collaboration between Duke and DKU around covid. Pre-Covid, Valerie mentioned that planning was well underway to start hosting ~120 DKU students each semester, AY-20-21. This was framed as a true study abroad experience for DKU Juniors. Steady State would be ~225 students/semester per year. There were also plans to start a visiting student's program for Duke Students at DKU for the fall of 21. However, Due to COVID, major changes happened.  


Due to COVID, Valerie mentioned that the team did not finalize the decision about Duke capacity until July 2020 which left little turnaround for implementing plans last year. The team quickly realized that there was a mutual benefit in Duke helping out DKU's US-based students, and DKU with Duke’s China-based students. There was also increased awareness and relationship building on both campuses in ways the team could not have predicted. 


For the Academic year 20-21 Valerie presented the following numbers: 


Undergraduates (enrolled in DKU courses, or DKU + Duke online courses) 


Option for Chinese students, due to travel restrictions to the US: 


Fall semester: 49 students: Senior 2, Junior: 6, Sophomores: 11, First-year: 30 


Spring semester: 20 students: Sophomore: 4. First-year: 16, spring number lower due to limited access to higher-level courses needed for majors.  


Graduate students 


Approximately 65 each semester, completing Duke online and/or DKU courses 


Sanford, Pratt, Biotstats, Nicholas, Asian Pacific Studies Institute 


Enrolled in both Duke and DKU courses 


AY 21-22: no expectations of any Duke Students to be studying at DKU due to COVID.  


For DKU students at Duke during the AY 20-21: 


46 DKU undergrads at Duke, classes of 2022, 2023, 2024 


Approximately 30 each semester: 18 Fall & Spring, 13 Fall only, 15 Spring only 


1 Student at Marine Lab 


All but 4 US residents 


Dual enrollment (Duke + DKU courses) allowed both if at Duke, and online only.  


Taking things to the present Valerie talked about DKU students at Duke and fall planning: 


Various scenarios under discussion 


Best case scenario – all borders are open: Chinese DKU students can get to Duke and international DKU students can get back to DKU or Duke, depending upon preferences and class year.  


Challenging scenario for Duke – Chinese DKU students can get to Duke, but international DKU students can't get back to China but can get to the US.  


Priority is given to DKU students from the classes of 22 and 23. 


Discussion with DKU academic advisor & Signature Work advisor required for seniors. 


No dual enrollment option in light of the relatively small number of online courses in the fall. 


DKU Students at Duke: Fall 2021 projected enrollment: 


Fall enrollment 


Class of 2022(seniors): US – 16, China – 41, Rest of World - 22, total - 79 


Class of 2023(juniors): US – 22, China – 10, Rest of World - 13, total - 45 


Class of 2024(sophomores): US – 14, China – 0, Rest of World - 9, total - 23 


Class of 2025(First years): US – 55, China – 0, Rest of World - 15, total – 70 


Totals by Nationality: US – 107, China – 63, Rest of World - 60, total – 217 


Spring, 2022 Planning 


China may remain closed to international students 


In the interest of the partnership, Duke has said that we will work with DKU to accommodate as many students as possible, with an emphasis on those international students who have not been able to get to either campus during COVID. 


Graduate school and career advising are of great concern for the class of 22. 


Possible graduation ceremony for seniors who cannot get to China.  


Regarding DKU student engagement at Duke during AY  21-22, Valerie mentioned that they hold hybrid orientation (fall and spring), welcome reception, regular check-in meetings/office hours, monthly events, and a weekly newsletter. Regarding campus engagement, Bass connection projects, on and off-campus jobs, research, campus-wide clubs, and student groups.  


Judy then mentioned that since DKU classes start next week, there has been some significant challenges. Judy mentioned that the team has done outreach last semester and this semester to get all faculty up to date on the technology they will be using to teach classes. Lastly, Judy talked about getting people at DKU to use ServiceNow as a ticket tracking system. As of date the team has tracked 4490 tickets.  


Lastly, Bob Johnson talked about the IT focus for the fall. The main talking points from Bob's presentation are below: 


Reduce complexity for connectivity 


- The current proxy approach is problematic, and faculty are concerned 


- White list perception raises censorship concerns 


- New geo IP locate approach will allow for unfettered access 


VPN multifactor clunky and options confusing 


- Commercial VPNs are potentially problematic 


- What to use when 


Phase II procurement and implementation 


- Incredible complex, but worth it 

- Faculty uses of familiar systems drives need for imports for networking, audio/video, etc


Augmentation plan next steps 


- Potential inflection point as to local staffing or OIT contracted services, covid challenges. 


5:00 - 5:30 p.m. - Integrated Care Platform (ICP), Ryan Craig (20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion)


What it is: The Integrated Care Platform (ICP) is a suite of digital health systems designed to interact with each other to improve a patient's journey.  Although many of these concepts are primarily forward-facing to our patients, there are a number of back-end technical components used to integrate and maintain connectivity between all of these digital health touchpoints.   


Ryan Craig started the presentation by introducing himself. Ryan said that the concept of the integrated care platform to be discussed today is a concept around integrating a collection of platforms that help us to enable a digital first strategy. This is a prioritizing of digital engagement with patients to make sure that they can utilize digital first products and services as the team maps out what they consider a patient journey.  


Next, Ryan talked about the components that make up this integrated care platform.  


Digital Front Door – deals with the primary point of digital engagement with patients, multi-channel communications platform. Enables a persistent relationship.  How patients engage with Duke. E.g. MyChart, chatbot, etc. 


Connected Care platform – facilitates the use of connected care devices. Ingest data from prescribed and consumer devices. E.g. fitbits, smartwatches, validic, etc. Pilot for 50 patients in September focused on blood pressure monitoring for hypertension. Additional 50 patients in a subsequent use case around diabetes management. Another study in January incorporates weight management, fitness steps, and that sort of activity.  


Digital products and services – ingest and integrate data across silos. Extra HER workflows. Clinical and consumer-grade products. Clinical and consumer-grade products. Some products being used, echo data lake, salesforce CRM platform. Xealth.  


Individualized health management. Precision health management. Improve individuals' health via prediction and intervention. 


Digital workflow brain – integrates all these components, orchestrates steps in patients' workflows, and centralizes the logic for events and data 


To bring it all together, Ryan mentions that the idea is that each one of these components/services cannot be deployed in isolation and recognizing that each one of them has somewhat a dependency to help the team make use or gain insight from anyone of the others.  


Ryan explains that the ECHO data lake is an IT strategy for an enterprise data delivery service. The ECHO data lake is a real-time data system involving APIs, events, and big SQL. The data lake integrates data silos in one place. 


Ryan describes the key points of the rollout of the DSO Verticals. Many digital front door programs are going live this summer. The focus is on specific clinical use cases. These rollouts will depend on the ECHO production release. Digital workflows are being developed to support the end-to-end rollout which is planned for FY22. 


Ryan concludes with the question: Where do you see value in having an ecosystem Like this available? 


Q. Steffen Bass – People are wearing a lot of fitness trackers that are constantly monitoring so much – pulse, activity, blood pressure – that can be very useful. Importing some of this data into Epic could be very valuable. Do you envision opening the data aggregation incorporate this data? 


A. Ryan - There are five streams of information, one of which is observations or measurements which includes blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, fitness but this is not continuous monitoring; instead, it is a summary across a specific measurement. But we are looking at continuous blood pressure monitoring, especially for something like hospital at home. In this case, we are treating patients and we need to constantly monitor their vital signs. On the other side of the debate, there is the question of how much data do physicians want to see.  What is needed from an auditing perspective and what is just too much information? 


Q. David MacAlpine – Are we giving up our data for Epic's analytics? 


A. Ryan – We are not. They lock each organization's data in its own environment and no PHI is passed. 


Q. John Board - In this initial implementation, is this mostly back-end facing with not very much patient-facing except for chat reminders? Is there a future goal for more patient-facing features such as nutrition and weight monitoring? 


A. Ryan – Yes, this will take some SMS integration. We need to give patients the ability to opt out at specific levels of detail. 


Q. John Board – Patients will inevitably find anything built by providers clunky as we do not have the UI resources that Google and Apple have. Is there a group thinking about the UI aspect of this to make this something that people will want to engage with us on? 


A. Ryan – Yes there is a Patient Advisory Council that is getting patient feedback particularly around the patient portal and a log of the digital front door services. For example, is the chatbot providing value or is everyone trying to get out of it as fast as possible?