4:00 - 4:05 p.m. - Announcements (5 minutes)
Any Announcements? – David MacAlpine
• Approval of Minutes from April 7th
• Passing around Parking Validation Passes and then be sure to sign the Attendance Sheets.
• Quick Announcements from Tracy:
o Handoff and update from Ed Gomes regarding Zoom & Zoom Storage Concerns and the site license and the service arrangement.
o Ed Gomes – Current service arrangement has a storage cap for all of our recordings which we had to increase over time for students. We are significantly above our storage capacity with Zoom and that is being reviewed. We have also purchased additional storage which is significantly expensive, compared to other services we have access to like Panopto. We are also working on implementing retention policies for Zoom, like what we have in place with Sakai, and also working out communication to present out to the user community, retention policy for faculty that is different to students, and also regular communication on the usage of “Clean Your Zoom Tool.”
• Q: Joanne Van Tuyl: Congratulations to Shawn Miller & his Team for winning the Presidential Award.
o Recognition of Shawn Miller’s Team.
4:05 - 5:00 p.m. - OIT Senior Leadership - State of IT Response (Undergraduate/Graduate), (OIT Senior Leadership)
What it is: OIT Senior Leadership will share feedback and insights in response to the State of IT surveys and Undergraduate and Graduate community input provided by student representatives at our previous session.
Why it’s relevant: Feedback from the students allows IT, administrators, to hear firsthand the challenges that students face regularly. This information can help set goals and priorities for various IT projects and initiatives. Upon review of the information provided, IT leadership now has the opportunity to respond to the students' current obstacles and concerns.
Facilitating the response to the Undergraduate and Graduate Students Survey:
Camille Jackson – Director of Communications for OIT
There is a theme around “Services Marketing”. Thank you to the students and we are always open to new ideas and meet the students where they are with marketing.
SAKAI - Michael Greene
Thank you to those for getting historical data 2019-2022 Surveys. There was a slight decline in satisfaction – however, overall usage went way up since people had to post their stuff online. Lots of discussion around Duo Push – our team does not manage Duo Push, but we like to partner with Identity Management. Multiple tabs were another big area of interest, and that is something we don’t manage but based on Sakai’s development process it would be available around December 2023.
The grades widget also is something being explored. Conversations are another area of focus too but the notifications around that are still being worked out. Downloading resources from various cloud platforms. Student feedback identified there is Inconsistent Use – at Duke we allow people to pick the tool that works for them and as such, it also has an impact on the usage of Sakai.
Canvas – Our team always looks at trends in the LMS market and also the larger EdTech Market.
Q: Joanne Van Tuyl – They want things to be more even among faculty – are people using it or not using it.
A: Michael Greene – Anything you could imagine happens, so the entire spectrum of not using Sakai and the build their custom website or they use Sakai, and it’s empty. There is a struggle with this across all universities – based on reporting via Educause.
DukeHub 2.0 - Chris Meyer on behalf of Chris Derickson
Thank you, students, for your responses. Student feedback has been integrated with the design and implementation. The Planner and What if Degree Progress reports are areas that had a higher number of responses. They suggest that students are not aware of that functionality or are using it. We have identified working with the University Registrar over the next months to increase knowledge and functionality. A lot of effort has gone into the registration process over the last year or so, resulting in our best registration this last spring.
Another area we are looking at is a better experience for our advisors. We acknowledge that this wasn’t mentioned in the survey, a significantly better advising experience in Duke Hub will have a benefit for students. There will be an advising focus group that will convene next week and we will have updates on that in the coming months. Last the overall responsibility for user experience from students was positive.
Q: Stefan Bass – What about the department center?
A: Chris Meyer – I can bring that back to the team and that needs some focus.
Q: DSG Rep – Focus group meeting next week – who are the stakeholders and details about that?
A: Chris Meyer - I can get that info to you.
Email - Charley Kneifel
Nothing really to talk about. We have had some work going on about Google collaboration tools. There are a lot of challenges to talk about regarding running multiple email systems, it’s almost impossible to do well, and we hear the other Ivy’s are also having similar challenges. The Google collaboration pilot is continuing and it is open to anyone that wants to participate. We also have some problems with Google’s API approach and what the APIs allow you to do or don’t. For instance, they will not let us have a service account,t instead they want us to have a personal account as the means to access services which is problematic to administer and secure from the institutional level.
Q: DSG Student – We spoke to Evan Levine and Laura Webb about the Google Pilot gaining access for students.
A: Charley Kneifel - It’s still a pilot phase – if you advertise a pilot too much it becomes mainstream. We would like people to try it – Google turns services on and they turn them off and we don’t want to have too many people in a strange predicament. We like people to want to try it and if we can get people to then we don’t have to advertise it.
Q: Google just changed something and removed the ability for certain institutions to say certain things shouldn’t be turned on.
A: Charley Kneifel - Google wants to communicate and take advantage of all the data you have and they have made a recent change that makes it harder for Duke to set global preferences regarding managing the data you have. For example, they want you to individually opt out of services that deal with data tracking rather than allow us to opt all Duke accounts out of sharing by default. They also turned off the unlimited storage and now lots of institutions are scrambling to figure out where they will move the data to. There is a new business that has developed around writing software to help you move your data from one platform to the other. Some other institutions are not paying Google anymore and they are going elsewhere because of this difficulty.
Q: Brandon Le – Would that mean a new contract?
Q: Brandon Le – Somewhat tangentially it seems that both email and calendar with O365 we are getting locked down by certain applications that can work with it.
A: Charley Kneifel - What is the restriction is the implementation and security of the newer authentication approach—called Modern Auth--that is dictated by Microsoft
Q: Brandon Le - On the Mac, there is Spark or Fantastical - these are banned on some lists from the campus
A: Charlie Kneifel - What we try to do is if it doesn’t support Shib and Modern Auth –you can’t use it because its authentication standards are too rudimentary.
A: Tracy Futhey - Let’s look at this and come back to the group with an update
Q: David MacAlpine – I just want to make sure is it still possible to bounce all your emails to Gmail and then send them through the duke SMTP service.
A: Charlie Kneifel – I would be careful about what you do, Google and Microsoft are changing things so what might work today might break tomorrow.
A: Ed – Trinity established a policy a few years ago, so if you are working with sensitive or restricted data you should not forward it to a nonapproved Duke service.
Q: Joanne Van Tuyl - I cannot access my email on my iPhone and iPad.
A: Tracy Futhey – You should be able to do so on your devices as long as it supports a modern operating system
A: Ed Gomes – Just check with your primary IT person
A: Charlie Kneifel – So if you have an iPhone and you have migrated from one phone to another you are still using Basic Authentication even though you have upgraded phones and OS. You only enable Modern Auth when you delete the account and then re-add the account.
A: Tracy Futhey- See Charlie at the reception he can help you out.
DukeMobile - Richard Outten
Duke Mobile since the springtime we identified a bunch of bugs and fixed those. Android opened up bug reporting which showed us where it was crashing. Duke Mobile now supports global login which makes it easier to access Sakai, myDuke, First Year checklist through global login now being enabled; we can add Duke Unlock, Duke@Work, DukeHub.
The Menu is a little more friendly to the good login process. The roadmap has more things to add like notifications, and the initial loading of DukeMobile to improve it.
Q: Duke Student Rep – We don’t know about Duke Mobile
A: Richard Outten - The student usage has been up but we do have to get the word out in marketing
A: Chris Myers - Highlight some areas in the BlueBook to bring about Duke Mobile
Q: Stefan Bass – There is a separate App for parking tracking – it doesn’t make sense to have a separate app for parking
A: Richard Outten - Park Duke App – we have it on the roadmap but it’s going to tie in maybe by fall of this year. Duke mobile is powered by maps.duke.edu, and the integration is going to be worked in
Q: Stefan Bass - Park Duke app – has real-time data on parking lot capacity – with people coming back to campus
Q: Tracy Futhey – This time next year this feature should be integrated. Can we start to get some of the usage stats added to our metrics sites so we know how duke Mobile is being used across the various classes?
Q: Duke Student Rep – Is there a way to integrate the scooter, bike rack, transloc into Duke Mobile
A: Richard Outten – Yeah we could look into this.
A: Tracy Futhey – maybe we could do a brainstorming session with the students about the features they would like to see in the fall.
Q: Brandon Le – The graduate students don’t know about it. Duke Groups, eAccounts, DuoMobile – can be integrated
A: Richard Outten – we can take these under consideration.
e-Print – Logan Roger
Camille Jackson – I just had stickers made for the printers that have clearer instructions. Pharos is undergoing an upgrade.
Logan Roger –Single-sided and double-sided instructions can be improved upon. Color will be an additional fee in a few locations not throughout though. There is a need to know how to get what would be better.
Q: Duke Student Rep – A lot of students didn’t know how to get into eprint, how can you better market it? There are multiple ways to print on campus but students don’t know about them.
A: Logan Roger - Some of this will come up through software license however there is increased marketing that will come forth.
A: Jen Vizas – We have expanded the information that is in the Bluebook
A: Tracy Futhey – This can also be offered in the student orientation
A: Stefan Bass – Printers in plain sight – just attach a QR code with details on the printer and also a How to report a problem link.
TransLoc – Charlie Kneiffel & Bob Johnson
Transloc is integrated into Duke Mobile and there is also their app. The API does exist… some of the data has been spotty for instance the Chapel Hill transit lost there’s when AT&T shut downtheir 3G network. TransLoc just got bought by Medaxo, and maybe they will get a little bit more funding as we also try to get better data and be able to know the schedules and when the bus is about to arrive say when it’s rainy so students can wait insight until the last minute.
Q: Duke Student Rep – Is there a way to have the bus schedules on the app.
A: I think so…
A: Richard Outten – we don’t have the full data in there in Duke Mobile I don’t know about TransLoc
25Live is going away - Charlie Kneifel
It’s going to be dying a slow death. We signed a contract with EMS which is being used by OIT, Athletics, Fuqua, Nursing School, and a few others on campus for the last few years now. It has an integration with PeopleSoft for classroom scheduling and that project has kicked off and we are working on getting all the data into Archibus – and all the integrations. Because of the lead times, all of the scheduling for the fall is already done, so we can get the marketing and also occupancy sensing and energy efficiency can be pooled together.
A: Ed Gomes – Academic scheduling piece is the most complicated part. The 25live that you see is different than the backend which is what the registrar sees. The registrar is happy with the demo of the tool that they need to use Schedule 25 looks like it works with EMS and we are trying to work through the next 18-24 months. We also there are some policies so that certain rooms and their services are reflected.
Q: Duke Student Rep – Rollout time for the student-facing piece.
A: Ed Gomes - We can get the student piece done fairly soon.
A: Ed Gomes, Charlie Kneiffel – We are working on what kind of projector and power outlet data is in the system. And if there are places from Student Affairs and Broadhead Center to be pulled into the EMS system as well – they currently use different systems.
Q: Stefan Bass – Dean’s conference / Chair’s conference room – will they live in EMS with policies that need approval
A: Ed Gomes and Charlie Kneiffel – However we are looking at ensuring that we can do anapproval step say approval via an assistant. We are also gathering data on usage of spaces, like getting it out of outlook or the spreadsheet that lives on your secretaries’ desk so that we can put that in EMS.
A: Tracy Futhey – We hope so-- technically nothing restricts but we are putting in policies that help us manage these spaces.
Q: Stefan Bass – even if there is a policy that restricts the booking of a room that is still the platform that shows available rooms
Q: Victoria Szabo – Do include information about conference abilities in a level that is not in 25 live
A: Ed Gomes – We are currently reviewing all the data in 25 live for furniture, conference ability because we have to use it for the next year to a year and a half, and then a governance model, notifications, rooms that come offline all the data is being updated now so when we pull it into this single model it is already cleaned up.
A: Charlie Kneiffel – so we are also gathering the data because for the transmission of virus data 6‘ separation was already gathered in Webcentral and Archibus
Q: Victoria Szabo - Getting room info. for video conferencing front/rear
A: Ed Gomes – we are gathering all that data.
Student Affairs – Didn’t have anyone to speak to their points (see slide deck)
RF Services/ Cellular/ Wifi/ Smart Devices – Bob Johnson
At the survey, we heard about complaints about wifi in West union. We are doing surveys(checking signal strengths Outdoor issues are still coming up there is a list of things that will be addressed. We are interested in getting more feedback. CBRS - Citizens Broadband Radio Spectrum/Service – the government opened up the spectrum and what you do is squat on it. SoDuke has their pick of that spectrum called pLTE – Private LTE – we have a few antennas up. We are piloting that technology to fill in the gaps outdoors, along with some enhanced services indoors. These will include bus stops, buses, and quads.
TransLoc between East and West campus is a dead zone. So the buses have modems and when they lose service the modem reboots so then we lose signal So the CBRS pilot will help fill this in.
John Robinson – IoT – internet of things devices do not work well with the advanced authentication for DukeBlue. The preferred network is Duke Open for those applications, however, we also need feedback
DAS – Distributed Antenna System says all the major carriers are on the DAS – but that’s not true, T-Mobile is coming online in May. We have completed 2/3’s of the campus with T-Mobile’s rollout. They will also become part of our preferred carriers with a lot of attractive plans. The carriers have committed millions of $ to this coverage at Duke.
Q: Duke Student Rep – How do you report a spot report?
A: Jen Vizas – Yes there is a project this summer called DukeFixIT to report Spot reports.
DukeCard – Number of complaints around Android devices not working. iPhones were the early adopters and the readers work well with them. However, we need feedback about readers that are not working on readers for Android devices. So get the data into dukecard.duke.edu. Alsosince Android implementations are different, you have to make sure NFC is active on the phone.
Also, preferred names and pronouns are coming to DukeCard.
Q: Duke Student Rep – Are you still allowing students to get plastic cards
A: Charlie Kneiffel – You can always get a card – there were supply chain issues but anyone can get a card.
Software Licensing: - Evan Levine and Terril Lonergan are not available so Logan Roger spoke to them.
Logan Roger – A greater effort in marketing and communication is needed on this. In August a big push will be made to try some new software available before school starts.
• Canva Pro – only has academic licenses from k-12 instructors that’s where that is
• Stata and Graphpad - have licenses, but a fee is associated.
• Slack – as has been discussed in ITAC, we do not have a license for Duke due to cost
• Lynda – has not been called Lynda.com for a long time. Now called Linked in Learning, it’s available to students at no charge
• ArcGIS and other statistics and visualization software packages are free to students
Q: Stefan Bass – Tried to set up a Teams environment with another environment and it was clunky…
A: Tracy Futhey – Our instance allows guest instances
Q: Stefan Bass – Slack makes it so much easier…
Security - Richard Biever and Mary McGee – unavailable.
Camille Jackson – Can we get members of the Senior Leadership Team to speak to the points:
Duke Unlock – is powerful but most students don’t know about it
Q: Ed Gomes – Is there a better way to reach students – can we know what that is for Camille?
Q: Steffen Bass – I was super enthusiastic about this – but I had problems with various bio readers, or the service desk doesn’t know bout it… I would love for it to work seamlessly.
A: Charlie Kneiffel – I think we do and we can work on communicating the options; the Kensington works great.
DuoPush - John Board
Multifactor is not going away – the 72 hours is already as far as we can go.
Q/A: Brandon Le - One Password – has helped me log in on multiple things well
Closing Remarks:
Tracy Futhey - Thanks to everyone for sticking with us through another year, and the IT staff that have helped us with a Herculean year.
5:00 pm - 6:00 p.m. - End of School Year Celebratory Reception
(Food and Refreshments to be provided)