4:00 - 4:05pm: Announcements and Approval of 9/1/22 and 9/15/22 Minutes (5 minutes)

Mark Goodacre – Chairing the meeting on behalf of David MacAlpine (who will continue as Chair during the Fall while Victoria Szabo, the new chair, is on sabbatical).

  • Minutes for 9/1/22 and 9/15/22 are Approved
  • There is a soft announcement coming out next week to ITAC,  Deans, and Chairs regarding the Future of LMS discussion we have had in ITAC

4:05 – 4:15pm: Annual ITAC Group Photo! Annual ITAC photo taken

4:15 - 4:30pm: Update on the Data+ Program – Paul Bendich (10-minute presentation, 5-minute discussion)

  • What it is: Data+ is a full-time 10 week summer research experience that welcomes Duke undergraduate and master’s students interested in exploring new data-driven approaches to interdisciplinary challenges. They learn how to marshal, analyze, and visualize data, while gaining broad exposure to the modern world of data science. 
  • Why it’s relevant: This presentation will look at the evolution of the Data+ program, describe how it transitioned to remote during the pandemic, and discuss how the move back to in-person went this summer. It will highlight a few specific projects that focused on climate and involved numerous stakeholders in the Durham community, including giving an overview of the impact of these projects. We will also answer questions about how your research group or department might pursue a Data+ project and team next summer, with project proposals due to be developed over the next month or so.



MINUTES - Data + presentation by Paul Bendich

Paul Bendich came to provide an update on Data Plus Program.  Paul is a professor in mathematics and his key areas for his slides are:e will overview Data+ and new developments.

So What is Data +? It has the same logistical structure of Code + and CS+, which are all 10 week summer undergraduate sessions for students in data science.  It was started in 2015 and is team based of about 25-30 teams each summer that amounts to about 85 students.  They all work from Gross hall during the summer.  It is comprised more of rising sophomores rather than rising seniors.  The aim is that we want lots and lots of safe fellow space to figure out what you are doing and what internships that may prepare you for.

Examples of Data Science are machine learning, statistics, coding, data wrangling (cleaning) knowing stuff about subjects and then talking to people in and out of data. Not all of the projects will cover all of these areas but by locating students in the same physical space they can collaborate and the projects may overlap. We also bring in panelist from outside so that they can get an idea of what Data Science in the industry looks like.


Projects / Case Studies:

Safety in Durham

Long standing collaboration with DIBS and Crisis Intervention Team (Sheriff, DPD, Hospital detention) – this project employs Multiple Data + and Bass Connection Teams which provides outcomes in Data Driven reports showing effectiveness of CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) Programs used by leadership in expansion decisions


Case Study: Community Schools program and the DPS Systems have been done.

Partnerships between NCCU, Duke, and DPS Foundation. There are projects and efforts about putting social workers in schools and the Data + Teams built the dashboard for them to use.  There are also multiple Data + and Bass Connections teams that collaborate on these things.  


Case Study – A City and its River

2022 Climate + project with Duke River Center that also fostered the exploration of waterway quality and management data for the libraries using data associated with chemical contaminants.


These projects have yielded new Thematic Areas: Climate +, Durham +, where we are finding the Plus programs ecosystem growing beyond the existing Data +, Code+, CS +


Feedback on being Remote/Non-remote:

The program was mostly okay to go fully remote with everyone but the weakest students doing really well.  But we found the weakest students may not have gotten the help they needed, so moving back to in person really help.


What to do to get involved:

Do you want to lead a project? There is an RFP currently out, due November 1, or contact Paul Bendich with ideas: bendich@math.duke.edu, including if you have a PhD student or a Postdoc who wants to manage a project.


Questions & Answers:

Q: Zoe – A bunch of different programs are listed along with “Durham+” what is that?

A: Every summer we have had between 3-6 projects that are connected to Durham so we are trying to find ways to bridge that and make it more cohesive. We are looking for ways to bridge programs and ideas and have begun promoting the concept that skill areas (Data+, Code+, CS+) reflect the “rows” in a spreadsheet metaphor while the functional domains (Durham+, Climate+) reflect the “columns”; individual projects then become the intersection of those.

A: Jen – some of the verticals are more thematic (idea) versus program/project related


Q: John board – Is this a zero sum game – is there a path for more students to be involved?

A: Paul – If you have more of the rows in the matrix to help with a discrete area, then yes, probably. The goal is that there shouldn’t be one area (IT, Math, Data etc.) that gets overly large.  85 students is good upper limit for one organizer to still be reasonably well acquainted with each student.  We had 500 applications for the program


Q: Sunshine Hillygus –  With all of these other programs across the university is the reach able to get to all the students in the university who would benefit from it? Do you see opportunity for easy improvements, outreach, growth, funding?  What are the reforms?

A: Paul – We are typically at about 50-50 female-male representation, this first year we looked at the representation of black and brown students.   The pipeline has also expanded to other area students, we get students from NCCU and also Durham community schools. 


This year was the first year that we had the +students living in dorms, it was definitely positive.


A: Tracy – The limitations on how much we can scale it is due to the funding, OIT helps as much as we can. The idea being we could scale it if we had more coordinators like Paul or Jen and more funds.

Q- Sunshine – but you also need the clients to also match you.  Has there been a program evaluation?

A - Tracy: No but we’ll be in touch about starting one, Sunshine.


Q: Steffen – Question on Scaling it up?  If you scale it up then you need to have a second incubator, right?  The 1st with 80-100 and then a 2nd with another 80-100. 

A: Yes, and we like to have students co-located so that adds a constraint to the scaling; we had a little bit of strain in Gross hall with the various projects Data +, Code +, CS+ project this year.


Q:  Have you thought about bringing back prior year students to help with the new year’s?

A: - Paul - Yes, we do have some students that are coming back but it’s not formal.

A – Jen Vizas - We have had from Code + some alums that have come back to help out at the end of the year.  We also have some students that is a rising Junior that get these internships and then they are gone.


Q: Funding – Could you have someone create an endowment

A: Paul – Yes, and endowing operational cost is way less money than it takes to endow a building, and it’s easier.


4:30 – 5:00pm: The EXTEND Study: Integrating Digital Health into Patient Care – Ryan Shaw (20-minute presentation, 10-minute discussion)

  • What it is: Duke Health (DHTS) has designed a technical infrastructure to manage remote monitoring device data for clinical care. The EXTEND project is the first research project at Duke to use this infrastructure. 
  • Why it’s relevant: The EXTEND study looks at uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension. Participants self-monitor with 4 different devices that integrate data into Duke’s Epic electronic health record system (EHR). A Physician prescribes these devices for 1 year as part of a Nurse and Pharmacist-led telehealth care model. We are interested in discussing how we can collaborate across schools to share data generated from studies like this for discovery and student learning, as well as how to communicate this built infrastructure as opportunity for faculty and students.


MINUTES - Extend Study Presentation by Ryan Shaw

Ryan Shaw talked about it as it is about Integrating Digital health into Duke Health (DHTS) tech infrastructure to manage remote monitoring device data for clinical care.  The Extend Project is the first research project at Duke to use this infrastructure. This also goes into endless possibilities as you put the data into EPIC – which is Duke’s electronic health record platform.


Why is it relevant?


I’m here to show you EXTEND and then get thoughts on how to collaborate between schools using the EXTEND data. EXTEND stands for Expanding Technology- Enabled Nurse Delivered Chronic Disease monitoring and it is a collaboration of School of Nursing and DHTS.  The data collection monitors and tracks blood glucose, blood pressure, weight, activity monitoring utilizing 3-4 devices in the health and wellness spaces, and these devices connect with the study participant’s smartphone


Individuals can be enrolled in the program with a Duke Nurse and it’s incentivized – you will have 6 follow-up visits, in the end the participant will get $375 and to keep all the devices (glucometer, blood pressure monitor, activity monitor, scale).


The goal is to improve A1c, monitor and improve blood pressure and improve health outcomes.


The Rationale for EXTEND is to improve chronic disease care through non-clinic-based, telehealth encounters. The study objective compares the effectiveness of the two 12-month EXTEND interventions for uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and hypertension through (a) only mobile device monitoring [EXTEND] or mobile monitoring *plus* nurse-delivered intervention.


EXTEND participants (everyone)  - Get 4 devices – glucometer, blood pressure, in home scale weights, wearable activity. That data gets pulled by the respective apps to the home servers for the services then Duke pulls that into EPIC.

EXTEND+ couples EXTEND devices and mobile monitoring with a telehealth RN (Registered Nurse).


To make this work E H R - Electronic Health Record, pre-populates the fields to be filled with templated examples. The patient’s smartphone has the apps and the devices have the data and also your EPIC my chart


The challenges we have with: Digital Equity, technical support, clinical resources to respond to data, volume and veracity of data, and missing data


Future ambitions for the program include : predictive models, digital biomarkers, clinical decision, simplicity – fewer apps is better.


If you have questions extendstudy@duke.edu or visit the website at: https://extend.nursing.duke.edu/


Questions & Answers:


 Q- Steffen – Devices smart scale blood pressure monitor.  How do you select them, or are they good enough for use for this data?  Are the devices reliable.

A: It depends what devices allow us to pull data in to epic.. then are they cleared by FDA.  Then there is the use of the device – so it’s not just about reliability


Q- Steffen – Tech savvy patient does some self-monitoring – there is no way to take my pulse from my watch or blood pressure monitor…

A:  There are companies that are pulling the data


Q: Tracy Futhey - Are there other ways and other units on campus that could help with this.  Are you connected with Jessilyn Dunn’s study?

A: Yes


Q: John board – Looking for assistance on how to visualize the data+?  This has some synergy with other student projects, code + and data  + ?

A: Yeah


Q: Colin Rundel – How often is the data gathered?

A: Data is collected every 5 minutes, but the Data Engineers may have to look at how we gather it, store and massage it.


Q: Tracy Futhey –Were you involved at Wear@duke? Any extra data, summarization on that.

A:  That was done before and the data was recycled…



5:00 – 5:15pm: Kuali Build Update – Mark McCahill, Shellene Walker, Joel Salgado (10-minute presentation, 5-minute discussion)

  • What it is: Kuali Build (https://build.kuali.co/) is an automated digital form routing and approval system designed to simplify developing and maintaining online workflows in Higher Education. Kuali Build is in heavy use at UCSD and Davidson College, and the University of Washington’s Provost's office is using it for add/drop courses, change major, etc.
  • Why it’s relevant: OIT has been working with Kuali and other institutions to identify best practices for managing the service and working with a few Duke departments to understand how Kuali can best meet Duke’s workflow needs. Kuali Build aims to empower end users to build their own lightweight automation of local processes, which would lead to much improved efficiency on campus. This presentation will provide an update on progress made to date, where Kuali Build is being used at Duke, and what’s next. We will also be open for suggestions for other major administrative or academic processes that could be good candidates for implementations with this tool.


MINUTES - Kuali Build presented by Mark McCahill, Shellene Walker, Joel Salgado & Ed Gomes


Kuali Build – it’s all about putting together work flows / forms and get them processed.  These forms are user created, and sent through an approval process, workflows can be standalone or be connected to institutional data.


Current Status:

  • We have Shibboleth SSO
  • Production use of forms and workflows have been active since January
  • Sync from Group manager/grouper for role-based access/approvals
  • API integrations developed as needed for workflows
  • Dashboard to track usage was provided by our friends at Davidson College

Q: Tracy Futhey So, if someone wanted to build a form that went out to every student etc.  Is this able to tie into Code + and Data+?

A: Yes.


Examples of Active Use Cases

Parking & Transportation – Joel Salgado


Duke Carpool Application – pulled together in a couple of days and had in production just after those days.  Integrated a look up table for applicants for this.  The carpool application was done by a team of writers, one of them could be a team lead or a team captain.  They will also need information like where the person lives and their office address.  There was an Example parking & transportation form shown on screen.


Example Submitting Vaccinations – Shellene Walker:

Previous process: Qualtrics and manual entry and the issues were unidentified submissions, it was a manual workflow, which lead to data entry errors.  EOWH spent a lot of time tracking down and correcting data.


We built this form and it identifies submissions with ease of use of from the submitter, who authenticates to access the form.  There are integrations to pull data to from fields based on Shib login


Behind the scenes:  Its an automated Workflow that notifies team via email of new submissions. Team can see all submissions, current status, and can easily search for particular submissions, as needed. Includes automated data upload from form to system


Under development:

  • There is a project with Code + for student application and onboarding forms
  • New site health screening process
  • Student academic forms
  • API integration – what’s my office, what’s someone netid, what courses are you taking


In Summary:

You can build forms and there has been a lot of progress since January.


Questions & Answers:


Q: Sunshine – great thing is you don’t have that manual entry.  The area is the name mix up when you don’t use your legal name versus, preferred name.

A: In the intake form, captures what people prefer versus what is given/legal

A: Tracy – There is a project to flip the preferred name versus legal name. 


Q: Steffen – most of these use cases are having come from Qualtrics is this replacing Qualtrics

A: Mark, Tracy, Ed – Qualtrics has a bunch of analytics on the back end that may not need to be applicable unless really needed.  This slices that away so if you have workflows you can focus on workflows rather than analytics for workflows.


Q: Colin Rundel – Does it support outside API’s

A: It can, Ed – it has the capacity… we just haven’t used it


Q: Ken Rogerson – We are not using this in Sanford, we are using adobe sign

A: So, if things are legally binding then they have to use Adobe Sign


Q: Mark Palmieri – can we discuss how signatures are done at Duke, and some things are not standardized…. Legal etc.?

A: Good future meeting topic.