Minutes from the 1/18/96 ITAC meeting
Draft Minutes submitted by Landen Bain
Betty announces the new Duke Home Page.
Committee Reports
Data Committee - David Jamiesen-Drake
The Committee intends to create a data model this semester. The goal is to allow re-engineering projects to move forward with some sense that the data implications will fit into a totality.
Strategic Planning Committee - John Board
Version 3 of a draft report is in review. Four issues will require discussion:
- To what extent, and with what technology, will demand be met.
- What is the plan for mainframe migration? What is the priority for rolling administrative applications off of the mainframe?
- How much space does OIT need? Which machines go into the machine room?
- How do we track new technology, and when do we adopt new approaches.
Each item will be brought back for further discussion. In addition, a number of non-controversial recommendations were read out without discussion.
Student Computing Committee - Neal Paris
A draft recommendation was presented on student computing. The committee recommends a room in Wilson as a new location for the East Campus PC cluster. Discussion followed. Implementation was strongly encouraged by the group.
Re-engineering Update
David Jamiesen-Drake reports on the Student Information System Re- engineering effort. The group is reviewing marketed products.
Bill Auld reports on the Human Resource effort. The group is creating process maps to describe what is currently being done.
Annette Foster reports on procurement efforts. The vision was completed in November, and will be presented at the next ITAC meeting. a detailed design was completed. Two sub-groups were formed: a social group and a technical team. Discussion followed on the topic of inter-relations of applications. To what extent should the entire suite of administrative application be acquired from one vendor?
Communications discussion - Mike Pickett
Mike sketches the current state of communications between OIT and its customers, and opens the issue to discussion. Discussion topics include:
- help desk & troubleshooting
- use of the web, and other media
- different groups: system administrators, other.
Ginny Cake will come and present on the help desk.
Other Business
John Board requests an update on the wiring project. Follow-on discussion lead to this guideline for ITAC agenda. Agenda items for future ITAC meetings should be e-mailed to Betty, Mike, or Robert by Tuesday before the scheduled meeting.
Mike Pickett distributes a recommendation on mainframe computing, for information only.
Bill Auld announces new systems in Human Resources.