DUKE ITAC - November 7, 1996 Minutes

Information Technology Advisory Council (ITAC)

Minutes, 11/7/96

Attending: Brian Eder, John Board, Roger Loyd, Dick Danner, David Ferriero, Bill Auld, Caroline Nisbet, Bill Scarborough, Mike Pickett, Robert Wolpert, Jim Dronsfield, Paula Loendorf, Ginny Cake, Neal Paris, John McCann, Pakis Bessias, Donna Hewitt, Evan Scheessele, Alex Reutter, Charlie Register, Jon Liberman, Melissa Mills, David Jamieson-Drake

Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the October 24, 1996 meeting were reviewed and approved.

New Members

David Ferriero, Bill Scarborough, John McCann and Jon Liberman were introduced as new members of ITAC. David Ferriero, Vice Provost for Library Affairs, gave a brief overview of his thoughts on the relationship between librarians and information technicians.

Antivirus Software

Neal Paris updated the group on the recent purchase of the McAfee Antivirus software. Mike Pickett distributed a flowchart explaining OIT software support and our groups revised name - Information Technology Advisory Council - was announced

SICC Update

Mike Pickett updated the group on the actions following the SICC decisions regarding HR/Payroll automation. The "out" clause in the PeopleSoft contract for HR was exercised. This does not effect the the purchase of the Student Information System or preclude purchasing the PeopleSoft HR system at a later time. Dr. Trask will meet with SAP to explore pricing for their HR/Payroll module. SICC is grappling with the price of implementing procurement first, the implementing the rest of SAP, vs implementing financials first.

Site License Request Process

Ginny Cake presented a site license request process. Discussion point were noted and Ginny will modify the process diagram and bring back for discussion and to finalize committee membership.

Cluster Updgrades

Mike Pickett presented on cluster upgrade. One third of the PC and Unix boxes will be replaced by 1997. An exact proposal will be e-mailed to the group in preparation for action in two weeks.

Web Standards

Mike Pickett led the discussion on the Web standards. There is a need for both aesthetic and technical guidance. A web oversight committee is proposed to both "mow the lawn", that is to deal with the living, changing home page; and annually re-vamp the look and feel. A list of names will be circulated, and additional names are solicited. Further discussion will resume at the next meeting.