Present: Bill Auld, Landen Bain, Pakis Bessias, Michael Blum, Leslie Boyd, Jim Coble (for David Ferriero), Chris Cramer (for John Board), Bob Currier, Dick Danner, Jim Dronsfield, David Jamieson-Drake, Annette Foster, Nevin Fouts, Matthew Kotler, Betty LeCompagnon, Roger Loyd, Melissa Mills, Caroline Nisbet, John Oates, Michael Pickett, Alex Reutter, Rafael Rodriguez, Hank Tomlinson, Robert Wolpert, Rex McCallum.

The meeting was called to order by Robert Wolpert at 4:05 PM. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. It was announced that the next meeting would be held on January 15, 1998.

MCNC Internet Access Update and Discussion

Bob Currier described reports of Sprint congestion caused by the rapid growth of traffic. Although MCNC use is balanced between Sprint and UUNet, both have problems and it might be necessary to consider adding a third carrier. Sprint remains the least expensive alternative and any service differentials are probably not great enough to justify switching from Sprint. He noted that MCNC does not see Sprint problems here similar to those reported elsewhere, but he will continue to monitor the situation.

Express Modem Pool

Rafael Rodriguez reported that initial data shows an even split between usage of the express and the extended pool lines, and distributed graphs showing the pattern of use from the previous day. He is unaware of major issues resulting from the change. Several ITAC members reported problems with slowness getting on. Bob Currier noted that the speed of the switch itself may occasionally bounce some people off.

Melissa Mills noted that most Arts and Sciences users probably had not had enough time to digest the new system and determine their reactions. John Oates noted that, even with the wide- spread publicity, everyone who needed to know about the change probably still did not know.

Robert Wolpert reminded the group that this was to be viewed as a means to buy time until newer alternatives, such as cable modems, draw demand away from the modem pool.

Cable Modem Pilot Update

Rafael reported that 9 members of the test group were now connected; 10 were waiting. For the first group, the service was stable after the initial stages. (Nevin Fouts found his cable modem faster than his campus connection.) Rafael also gave an update on negotiations with Time-Warner and GTE regarding remote access services.

Technical Architecture Council

This group is scheduled to meet the day after the ITAC meeting. Rafael provided a list of immediate issues for the council, noting later that the three hottest issues were in the areas of networking, security, and enterprise directories. He has set up a skeleton web site describing the issues.

Discussion followed on the relationship between TAC and ITAC, and on how TAC would communicate with ITAC, as well as to the university community. Betty LeCompagnon and Landen Bain reviewed the history behind the formation of the group, which is to provide the means for OIT and MCIS to look jointly at common architectural issues. The intention is not for TAC to be an independent body, but for all of its recommendations to go through ITAC before implementation or wide dissemination. Mike Pickett described TAC's purpose in terms of stimulating and crystallizing thought; Betty noted that the intent is to provide support for Rafael's position and that appropriate expertise will be brought in as needed. David Jamieson- Drake stated the importance of a group with these responsibilities for the specialized groups working on projects like SISS and SAP.

Robert concluded the discussion by requesting regular reports to ITAC on TAC's activities.

Update from CAUSE and IVY +

Mike and Betty reported on the recent CAUSE meeting and related meeting of the Ivy + schools. Betty noted Duke's strong representation at CAUSE, and Bob Currier's acceptance of the CAUSE award for excellence in campus networking. Mike reported that the IVY+ group schools discussed difficulties in recruiting and retention and shared solutions to the problems, shared information on year 2000 problems and experiences in implementation of campus wide applications, and discussed other matters. He also described notable CAUSE programs on strategic planning and other topics.

Other Business

Nevin reported the level of Fuqua faculty interest in SPSS, wondering whether there was enough interest on campus for a site license. It was suggested that the matter be referred to the site license committee. He also reported and warned others of an outbreak of the LaRoux virus at Fuqua.

David Jamieson-Drake reminded ITAC members that members of the SISS group will visit departments and schools to describe and discuss the project and its implications

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30