Present: Betty Le Compagnon, Jim Dronsfield, Rob Carter, Melissa Mills, David Jamieson-Drake, Leslie Saper, Pakis Bessias, Roger Loyd, John Board, Jonathan Luebbers, Bob Currier, Caroline Nisbet, Landen Bain, Ginny Cake, Bill Scarborough, Matthew Kotler, Pete Boyd, David Ferriero, Rafael Rodriguez, Mike Pickett, Robert Wolpert, Mike Gower, Nevin Fouts, and Donna Hewitt
The meeting was called to order by Robert Wolpert.
Review of Minutes
The minutes from the January 29, 1998, meeting were approved.
Mike Pickett announced he is leaving the Vice Chairmanship of ITAC to serve as the coordinator for University-wide SAP project. He will still remain a member of the council. Rafael Rodriguez will assume Mike's role as the Vice-Chair.
Mike Pickett reported on the health progress of Charlie Register which is improving.
SISS Design Review
Moved to later in the agenda.
DSG Student Computing Proposal
Technical Issues Discussion
Matthew Kotler stated access to all files on single servers available at the desktop is the DSG goal.
Jonathan Luebbers
- Cluster for Quads - PC, MAC, Unix stations located in quad areas. Trent is fine example of the type of dorm cluster desired. Rob Carter stated that this type of cluster is not significantly more expensive to operate than other dorm models.
- Cost concerns - Use students for much of the responsibility for upkeep of these clusters. Machines would be new and not recycled.
- Utilize existing commons space or an existing study room.
- Ginny Cake voiced concerns about recruiting student help for these areas.
Rob Carter reported on the AFS project. Samba and Netatalk services have been requested in the upcoming budget. Additional funding would be needed to support AFS/NFS translation, if desired.
SISS Project continued
David Jamieson-Drake
Version I - replace all existing systems with basic functionality. Later versions will include additional features.
Training - Needed by this summer.
Data integration key issues. Coordination of data is a major concern. Problem not yet solved.
Web browser will serve faculty and students well for this application. Win 95 or NT needed as a minimum for back office use.
John Board - Training, data integration, people problem. Proposed letter or e-mail to point out these possible points of failure. David Jamieson-Drake will propose draft. Seconded by John Board. The motion was passed.
Orientation of department users on hardware requirements will be held in March.
Student Computer Recommendations
The new letter to students was presented by Ginny Cake. She suggested the modem pool section be revised.
Les Saper recommended that a copy of the final version be sent to Directors of all Graduate and Professional schools.
Some additional suggestions for revision were discussed by meeting members. Private options should also be included.
Remote Access
The Remote Electronic Access proposal was distributed. Cost per user rather than per port. Bob Currier reported that Duke's cost for modem pool access remains at approximately $1,000 per additional port. After discussion and modest editorial adjustments, the motion was passed to adopt policy.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.