Attending: Michael Pickett, Roger Loyd, Kevin Cheung, Betty LeCampagnon, Robert Wolpert, Kyle Johnson (for Caroline Nisbet), Ed Anapol, Bob Currier, Paul Harrod, Jim Dronsfield, Bob Newlin, David Ferriero, Jason Kreuter, John Little, John Oates, Melissa Mills, Landen Bain, Pakis Bessias, Mike Gower, Bill Scarborough, Jason Greer, Dick Danner
Visitors: Rick Kunst, George Oberlander, Jim Coble, Steve Cohn, Pete Boyd, Neal Paris, Chris Cramer, Rob Carter, Michael Fleming Grubb
Review of Minutes and Announcements
Minutes were accepted without change.
Betty announced that Duke University/OIT received the 1998 Award for Excellence in Campus Networks by Novell. She recognized Bob Currier as the responsible party in this.
Mike Pickett announced that SISS went live this week. Jim Dronsfield says OIT negotiated with ESPN to carry the Duke-Northwestern game live.
New Duke Home Page
Dennis Meredith noted that the new home page went into production on May 1st and there have been no major glitches. He noted in particular the improved search function. Plans include bring the page up to technological par, integrate effectively with SISS, perhaps a new map system, and an integrated calendar system. Future web management may involve an oversight office.
Dick Gannon: when might this oversight office and policies be implemented?
Dennis: fairly quickly but with upper level approval.
Dick: not sure there has been enough contact with faculty regarding this.
John Oates: recommends the executive committee of the Academic Council.
Comments regarding the page to sends e-mail).
Document Imaging Pilot Project
Rick Kunst provided a handout with background and pilot information. The intent is to develop a campus-wide system rather than having individual departments invest in separate systems. He discussed issues from the handout.
Melissa Mills: the Pre-Major Advising Center might find this helpful. Could this be used to make materials available across campus? Who would be involved in making a custom product like this available?
Robert Wolpert: Who will support this? There seems to be no person included in the plan.
Rick: the product is a suite and the (free) client can be installed anywhere.
Melissa: could a field person configure access rights?
Rick: They are still working on how to access to individual pieces would be set up. I believe security to be sufficient.
Bob Newlin: The pilot is intended to develop and demonstrate this.
Robert: Plans for kiosks for others not involved in this to have access?
Rick: Revolution in imaging taking place with digital copiers that might serve as kiosks.
Paul Harrod: Paper in a cabinet not analogous to files in network computers.
Pakis: Security a real problem but better to focus on what this will do for the campus community.
Kyle: Any platform restrictions?
Rick: We have lots of Macintosh on campus but no specific Mac client in the software. No Unix client either. Web access is only answer currently provided.
The library is experiencing a printing crisis with e-reserves. More recently scanned items have dramatically longer print times. The culprit may be an improvement in the software that rotates the images to the normal view so folks could view instead of printing each page. The result has been slower printing but the reason is not quite clear. They are presently testing and have asked Adobe for help.
Duke Press On-Line Journal Project
See handout.
Jim Coble described the project and said the intent is to make publications of Duke Press more available. The goal is for web accessible electronic versions available along with the print product and determine if this is a viable economic model.
Steve Cohn notes they are presently talking about only 2 issues of 1 journal.
Dick Gannon: Law School currently doing this for several journals.
Steve: We have been working with the Law School staff.
Dick: These (Law School) journals have been amazingly attractive to an otherwise fairly limited readership. Readership has been expanded dramatically by this approach.
Summary of President's Retreat
Betty described a late August retreat with the President and Senior Council. This included Trask, Snyderman, Strobehn and the administrative council of direct reports to the president.
This group identified 5 areas of focus including the Capital Campaign, Strengthening the Academic Enterprise, Development of an Integrated Health Care System, Workplace Culture, and Undergraduate Life.
The competition for faculty is intense with 43 having left last year, more than in last 10. Duke places an emphasis on undergraduate education. Some faculty who left have been promised (in new job) to have little teaching responsibilities. Do we want to compete with this?
The East-as-Freshman-Campus is seen as successful. The question is how to continue this as they move through the classes. Trent Residence Hall and avoiding Trent as a residence remains an issue. Diversity is also an issue.
Final Announcements
Bob Newlin: The new Faculty Handbook is available via the web.