Attending: Ed Anapol, John Board, Kevin Cheung, David Ferriero, Pete Goswick, Patrick Halpin, Donna Hewit, David Jamieson-Drake, Jason Kreuter, Betty Leydon, Andy Keck, Roger Loyd, Melissa Mills, Caroline Nisbet, John Oates, Lynne O'Brien, Rafael Rodriguez, Leslie Saper, John Sigmon, Clark Smith, Andy Keck - for Roger Loyd, David Kirby - for Landen Bain, Alan Halachm - for Jimmy Grewal.
Guests: Ginny Cake, Philip Verghis, Chris Smith, and Debbie DeYulia
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 4:00 p.m.
Review of Minutes and Announcements:
Overview of Customer Support & Help Desk
and Process for expansion/upgrade
- Graduate (8%)
- Undergraduate (27%)
- Alumni (1%)
- Medical Center (27%)
- Faculty (4%)
- Staff (33%)
Ginny Cake: The Help desk originally run by students, and had a low amount of coverage. Since then the help desk has had significant expansion. The help desk was described as an entry point to OIT support, and provides first and second level support.
Main call categories and percent of calls are:
Top ten calls by problem type given:
Betty Leydon asked for clarification of the email problem type.
It was further defined as email setup configurations, and had resolution during the same call.
Another question was raised as to whether or not Lotus Notes was included in the listing?
Notes did not make the top ten list, but was included in the survey.
Description of the contact trends of the help desk.
Peak usage occurred before the Fall and Spring Semester.
John Board asked what the fraction of calls that the help desk could not answer?
85-95% they are able to answer.
John asked what the average hold is for calls?
Approximately 15 seconds.
Betty asked if the law school and business school were included in the surveys presented, and if so, how were they tracked?
Yes, in that they all use the remedy system to track calls, and the calls are escalated to OIT helpdesk from the individual schools help desks.
Remedy Overview & Demo
- Q:Chairman: What do you do if the person calling is not from Duke?
A: Anyone who calls is a customer for the first 30 seconds. But, the first question asked is what is callers' affiliation with Duke. If the caller is not with Duke, then we tell them that we can't help. - Q:Chairman: Do people not affiliated with Duke call often?
A: Not really, once and a while. But, they try to be polite about refusing. - Q:John Board: If the problem is fixed due to another call, do you call back anyway?
A: No. But if the call stays in customer support, then it is an open ticket and the call will be followed up upon. Also, in the call notes the caller can choose to be called back on status. - Q:Betty Leydon: If 50 people call about a problem that is a router, do they get call backs?
A: No. They won't get a call back if the call is assigned to a different section of OIT support, unless the other section sends the ticket back to the support desk.
--A long discussion followed on whether a note or follow-up to a fix of a problem should occur. Currently, the support desk is emailing clients when a ticket is closed. - Q:John Board: Said he was under-impressed about the value of the remedy system and concerned that we did not get our money out of the product.
A: Yes and no. The application is used by many different groups, and so it is hard to build a lot of functionality into REMEDY. They have taken a lot of suggestions and are working on a new version of remedy.
Chris Smith gave a run through on the process of ticket creation with REMEDY. The following were questions raised during the presentation:
DUNK Overview & Demo - Skipped
Group Discussion on Customer Support
- self-help improvement
- End User Requirements and expectations
- training and education, improvement in first call resolution
- collaboration with department IT groups
- upgrades on Hardware/Software recommendations.
Series of slides were shown on the future directions of OIT Support.
Topics covered included: