Attending: Ben Allen, Pakis Bessias, John Board, Jim Coble for David Ferriero, Ken Knoerr, Roger Loyd, John Oates, George Oberlander, Lynne O'Brien, Mike Pickett, Rafael Rodriguez, Robert Wolpert.
Guests: Mary Nijhout, Connie Simmons, Rob Carter, Bob Currier, Bruce Cunningham, Chris Meyer, Richard Outten, Ginny Cake
New Member: Steve Woody

Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 4:00 PM by Mike Pickett.

Review of Minutes and Announcements:



  • Betty Leydon's husband, John, has been ill. He is back in town and undergoing medical tests.
  • The cell phone contact with Alltel will be effective July 1, 2000, although Billing won't start until after September. The contract will be advertised through the Glove Box News, billing information, promotional materials to new students, etc.
  • The Futures Forums have been well attended. The next one will be held July 20th and will feature Dave Kirby and others discussing New Technologies in Medicine.
  • Mike Pickett announced that a new group headed by Suzanne Maupin will handle the LDAP directory, Duke Unique ID, phone directory, email aliases, etc.

    Robert Wolpert expressed the hope that a group charged with implementing policies not be the group that sets the policies.
  1. Minutes were approved as distributed in advance for May 18, 2000.


SISS Faculty Views

  • Faculty will be able to see their class lists, advisees.
  • Departmental chairs can see everything related to their departments.
  • Campus police can see student schedules but not grades.
  • Shows student's academic record
  • schedule for semester
  • contact information
  • PIN#
  • other academic information.
  • Faculty can get class lists as printable form or as downloadable file.
  • In the future, faculty may be able to enter their grades on line, but not this fall.
  1. Bruce Cunningham discussed SISS Faculty Views. The system will be ready to use next week.

    Faculty can get all the information they need through the web.

    The SISS group will be soliciting feedback from early testers. There will be a web reporting piece, such as the ability to get a list of all majors, by fall.

    Security will be based on the person's role.

    Every user will need a PeopleSoft ID and password: To get that, you need an ACPUB account. SISS office will create the PeopleSoft ID's for all who have ACPUB ID's and send the info to them. You can search on a Social Security Number, but in general, the SSN is not displayed.

    Student information:

    Class information: shows list of subjects, grade lists, etc.

    SISS project will roll this out, let people try it, gather comments and Suggestions for changes.

    John Board: Looks good. Registration system in spring was slow. Any changes to improve performance for fall? We were promised improvements.
    Cunningham: Some changes have been made.

    Wolpert: We need an opportunity to provide feedback.
    Cunningham: Contact me if you want to be a pilot tester of this program.

    Board: How much historical data is in the system?
    Cunningham: Only last fall to the present.

    Oberlander: Non-academic departments use this system. Things like department codes have changed, and those changes create problems for other departments' programs.
    Cunningham: The name change was in the works for three years, and a committee including auxiliary groups participated in planning.

SSH roll out for fall

  • OIT will roll out a number of SSH clients this summer.
  • A product "F Secure" will work on UNIX, PC's and Mac's.
    OIT will provide 2500 licenses for servers or clients.
    OIT recommends people use this product.
  • Other free SSH clients also are available.
  • SSH will be on all public machines.
  • OIT will promote SSH use this fall and will make F Secure downloadable. They cannot put it on the student CD because of licensing agreements.
  • OIT is supporting SSH2 on all servers.
  • Either SSH1 or SSH2 clients will be able to access OIT servers.
  • People who use telnet will get a message urging them to switch to SSH.
  • Some people using telnet might benefit from an IMAP client, as they are just reading mail from remote locations.
  1. Rob Carter: Overall idea is that large numbers of people on and off campus log in via telnet And other non-secure programs. Since there is no encryption of data being transmitted, "hackers" can sniff ID's and passwords. OIT wants people to use SSH as replacement for telnet because everything gets encrypted.

    OIT is working on secure mail that can be access via the web. Rob demonstrated a prototype of this web mail system.

    Question: Will OIT turn off non-SSL IMAP and POP clients?
    Answer: Not in the fall, maybe eventually.

    Question: When will the new web mail be ready?
    Answer: probably late July/early August

    Question: Some departments are already doing this. We should coordinating with them.
    Answer: Anyone who wants to use this mail package can do so.

Due to lack of time, the discussion of the Futures Forums was postponed to the Next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.