Attending: Ben Allen, Ed Anapol, Landen Bain, Pakis Bessias, Al Crumbliss, Brian Eder, Nevin Fouts, Ed Gomes, Patrick Halpin, David Jamieson-Drake, Andrew Keck, Ken Knoerr, Betty Leydon, Roger Loyd, Suzanne Maupin, Melissa Mills, Bob Newlin, Lynne O'Brien, Mike Pickett, Edward Shanken, Robert Wolpert, Steve Woody

Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Robert Wolpert at 4:07 p.m
Minutes taken by Melissa Mills

Review of Minutes and Announcements:

  • The minutes from the previous two meetings were approved as submitted.
  • The next meeting will not be in Telcom 211. The meeting will be held in the Law School's new electronic courtroom.
  • Step by step guides for systems administrators arrived from SANS today. They can be found at

Duke Computer Store Beginning of School-Year Update

    • Delivered 15% fewer computers this year than last - 91 fewer systems. More students are bringing computers with them.
    • Students are buying high-end computers.
    • Numbers of desktops sold were down, but notebook numbers were up. There is a higher potential for theft with laptops. There has been a rash of thefts in the Law School.
    • Apple sales are growing again.
    • Blue Devil Delivery service remained steady state at around 350 computers.
  • Jim Rigney:

Update of LDAP and Directory Services Activities

    • Key features of the system.
    • Employees and students to be able to manage their own data
    • Data integrity drop down lists
    • Managerial routing capabilities for approval processes
      • Will inter-operate with SAP/ PeopleSoft, etc.

    • Meta-directory amalgamates and syncronizes directory data from authoritative sources and makes it available to directory consumers via a directory server
  • Suzanne Maupin: This is a multi-year project to create the infrastructure of Duke's LDAP directory service using the iPlanet software bundle. The LDAP directory service will coordinate directory-type information such as phone #'s, pager numbers, addresses, etc. across the multiple Enterprise systems. Its Delegated Administrator component will allow access and upkeep of appropriate data elements at the departmental and/or individual level. Components of the bundle include iPlanet Directory, iPlanet Meta Directory, Directory Access Router, Delegated Administrator and Certificate Management System. Snareworks authentication integrates with this. The target live date for Phase 1 implementation is May 1, 2001.

Center for Instructional Technology - Grants Update

    • $150K to begin with, supplemented by anonymous donor, and by Betty Leydon
    • Effort to work with OIT and individual schools to put into place infrastructure resources that can be used by many projects
    • A mix of large and small grants were awarded
    • Many of the projects will be reused and expanded in the coming year.
    • Some faculty were surprised by the amount of time it took to complete their projects.
    • Some faculty questioned whether the projects were really valued by the administration and noted their sense that the University does not provide adequate recognition and reward for the level of effort required.
    • Some faculty lacked the skills to develop proposals. The CIT has implemented a modular proposal format and proposal writing workshops to help address this.
    • Some faculty want the project (the intellectual outcome), but don't want or have the skills to carry out the project. To address this situation, a new program funded by Dell to support student workers was implemented. Students are hired and supervised by the CIT. The work is directed by the faculty.
    • Some faculty need better assessment tools and guidelines.
  • Lynne O'Brien: Report on instructional technology grants received during FY 1999/2000

    An assessment of the first year's grant program resulted overall in positive feedback from faculty and students using the outcomes. Some specific results were:

    Wolpert noted that the NSF has a fast-lane proposal process and asked if that approach could be used here.
    O'Brien responded that, yes, the on-line proposal form has been modularized, but that faculty still need help in how to fill in the blocks. They do not always understand the components required of a successful instructional technology project. This provides an opportunity to help faculty better understand the issues and components involved.

    WolpertWolpert asked if there could be a show and tell of successful projects.
    O'Brien responded, yes - one is planned for this coming spring.

Updates from the IVY+ Meeting

    • Five of the Ivy + schools are losing their CIO's: Brown, Columbia, Princeton, Stanford, and Penn.
    • Wireless:
      • At Dartmouth, airports and cards that can be checked out.
      • Yale has an interoperability lab to which people can come to get help setting up home wireless networks..
      • Carnegie Mellon has implemented campus wireless network.
      • Brown has an AT&T arrangement that gives them cell phones with the same phone # as their desktop.

    • Web development and management:
      • The model seems to be a school advisory committee with representative constituency.
      • The advisory committees are often led by either Alumni Affairs, Public Affairs, IT, or the library.
      • Most of the work is done in-house as opposed to outsourcing.
      • A question was raised concerning need for a policy concerning advertising. Harvard's rule is that content can't be mixed with advertising.
      • At Brown and Harvard, the Provost sponsors the web management. General guidelines for Web pages are provided. When there is a doubt, there is a case review with principle outcomes.
      • It was noted that prospective students want interactive information, not just static pages.
      • Penn mandates that every department have a Web site.
      • Some schools have included a comprehensive A-Z index in addition to search engines.
      • Some Web statistics revealed that less than 10% of the visitors to their home pages were from within their own campuses.
      • At Duke, we're getting on the order of a million hits per day. Duke's Web stats are available at

    • Security is a big topic. Schools have IT Security staffs and perform security audits. Several are using ISS.
    • Princeton, Stanford, Yale and Oxford have formed a not-for-profit corporation called University Alliance for Life Long Learning. It's targeted at A&S alumni, but not yet known whether it will have appeal. It's also another approach to thinking about teaching and learning.
    • Modem pools were discussed. Penn started charging $13/month for a 33 kbps time limited connection. In effect, they discontinued their modem service.

      Mills mentioned that when Penn had dropped the service, A&S administration had made calling cards to ISP's available to all of their T.A.'s.

      Shanken spoke against dropping the Duke modem pool.

      Leydon responded that it's a difficult question. It costs millions of dollars to keep the technology updated. What we have is getting old, and could become a disservice. It was pointed out that there are several free Internet access services available.

  • Betty Leydon

The agenda item on the EDUCAUSE update was postponed to the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.