Members Attending: Ben Allen, Ed Anapol, Landen Bain, Mike Baptiste, Pakis Bessias, Dick Danner, Angel Dronsfield, Ed Gomes, Alfred Trozzo for Paul Harrod, Billy Herndon, Jamie Lee Klima, Ken Knoerr, David Jamieson- Drake, Andy Keck for Roger Loyd, Kyle Johnson for Caroline Nisbet, George Oberlander, Lynne O'Brien, Mike Pickett, Tom Rowe, Fred Westbrook, Robert Wolpert

Guests: Suzy Johnson, Rob Carter and Chris Cramer of OIT, Mike Mandl, Financial Services

Call to Order: Meeting called to order Mike Pickett at 4:05.

Review of Minutes and Announcements:

  • Minutes of September 20 were approved.
  • Dick Danner reported the CIO search committee is meeting regularly and conducting telephone interviews. Everything is going well.

Update on internet gateway traffic:

Mike Pickett indicated there has been a noticeable slowdown in accessing commercial internet sites over the last year. Duke is sharing bandwidth to the commercial internet with other NC universities and governmental agencies. All of the universities have noticed the slowdown, and together with our colleagues at MCNC have undertaken efforts to give essential traffic priority. This appears to have had a positive effect and we've seen delays drop by as much as a factor of 10. Bob Currier is Duke's representative on a MCNC committee that will review our access performance on a regular basis. He will report results back to ITAC in a month. Internet2 has announced on a five-year extension to upgrade the Abilene network.

OIT budgets and services process:

  1. Organizational (implemented the Enterprise Communications Infrastructure - ECI - group),
  2. Tele- communications Sourcing and Standards, and
  3. Budget Restructuring.
  • Equity - restructure OIT budget, related charges, and allocation methodologies to align services, customers, and payers.
  • Transparency -- Bring clarity and understand to what end users are paying for, and the cost of these services.
  • Untangle the use of telephone local and long distance charges as a means of funding DukeNet, CSN, and other Tele-Video and OIT services.
  • Structure budget and financial information to facilitate effective service and market competitive costing.
  • Mike Mandl, Vice President, Financial Services gave a report on the OIT Restructured Budget. There are three components to the initiative, which are:

    The goals and objectives for budget restructuring are as follows:

The process began with the Executive Vice President by appointing a team from OIT and Financial Services. The team performed a detailed review and analysis of each operating budget, including activities, customers and costs.

Once the analysis was completed, the team met with OIT line of business directors to restructure budgets and align costs with services. Budgets were assigned to the following categories:

  • Direct charge per unit of consumption at cost center level (ex: long distance)
  • Direct charge to entity level for specialized services (ex: physicians answering)
  • Allocated costs for shared infrastructure and services (ex: DukeNet)

When this work was completed, the team prepared a simulation model at a detailed level and developed related budget changes.

Mike pointed out that it is important to note that the overall budget level was not changed, but important changes included:

  1. surcharge funding was removed on local service telephone rates,
  2. the cost of some functions such as Corporate Software and Internet Dues, Directory Services, Database Administration, Operating Systems and Server Support and VP & CIO were moved to G&A cost pool,
  3. pricing for various telephone services will now be billed to cost centers,
  4. direct charges for specialized services previously subsidized by tele-video services will now be billed directly to financial entity receiving services.

Mike reported the changes in the Tele/Video rates are effective on the September invoices. Also, charges previously rendered in July and August 2001 will be reversed in September and replaced with revised charges that reflect the new rate structure. This results in the new rates being retroactively effective to July 1, 2001 for most services. Mike also noted that as a part of this new rate structure, calls to Chapel Hill, Cary and Raleigh (Tri-Wide calls) will become local calls on October 8, 2001. As of that date, these calls will no longer be charged on a per minute basis to end users and the use of authorized codes to place these calls will no longer be required.

CITIE update

  1. laptop requirements,
  2. faculty services and support, and
  3. governance issues.
  4. Strategic Plan Initiatives,
  5. Overview of Technology Plan,
  6. ISIS Certificate Program,
  7. Computer Based Support for Science & Technology,
  8. CITIE - Key Initiatives,
  9. Faculty and Student Support,
  10. Wireless Access Goals,
  11. Should Incoming Students be Required to Bring a Laptop Computer? and,
  12. A Vision of Technology at Duke in 3-5 Years.
  • Mike Pickett reported that the CITIE Steering Committee has had two meetings to date. Three issues that are being discussed by CITIE are:

    Mike will make a presentation to the Board of Trustees on 10/5/01 on "Academic Information Technology at Duke University". This report will address the following;

Guideline draft for guidelines for systems administrators

  • Systems administrators fear they will be called upon to do unethical things.
  • S.A.'s feel a need for some guidelines and ammunition.
  • Questions raised as to why staff have no guarantees to privacy when faculty and students do.
  • Rights to privacy on users' servers and personal workstations need to be included in the discussion.
  • People need to know the rules to follow since different schools have their own policies and guidelines to follow.
  • David Jamieson Drake took the time to draft some privacy guidelines for OIT systems (broken out by student, faculty and staff issues). It was suggested that the language be extended to all of Duke (with the endorsement of the appropriate administrators).

    The following comments were made at the meeting:

It was decided to revisit this issue at another time.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.