Attending: Ed Anapol, John Board, Mike Baptiste, Pakis Bessias, Ken Hirsh (for Dick Danner), Brian Eder, Ed Gomes (for David Ferriero) Tim Searles (for Nevin Fouts), Ed Gomes, Alan Halachmi, Patrick Halpin, Billy Herndon, Molly Tamarkin (for Ken Knoerr), Bob Newlin (for David Jamieson-Drake), Roger Loyd, Melissa Mills, Caroline Nisbet, George Oberlander, Mike Pickett, Rafael Rodriguez, Clare Tufts, John Carbuccia (for Fred Westbrook), Robert Wolpert, Stephen Woody

Guests: Bob Currier, Ginny Cake, Jim Rigney, Jen Vizas, Todd Orr, and Debbie DeYulia

Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 4:05 pm

Review of Minutes and Announcements:

  • Futures Forum: Futures Form will be held on Wednesday, January 30, 2002.
    The topic is Streaming Media.
  • The OIT Annual Report was distributed, it is also posted on the web.
  • It was announced that the new CIO, Tracy Futhey will possibly be at Duke a
    few weeks early, as soon as the middle of February.

Update from Common Solutions Group meeting

Mike Pickett & Billy Herndon: What is the Common Solutions Group? It is an invitation only group made up of about 25 university CIOs and one or two technical staff members from the schools. Topics include security, digital certificates, wireless authentication, Internet2, etc. There are groups that put together technical standards and have detailed workshops, then later on, the CIOs, and a limited number of attendees from each school meet and discuss policy issues.

There was a discussion on how to make electronic contacts. If you are requesting information from another university, who vouches for who? There needs to be an authentication authority at the university, what does it need to know? There are trust models, different schools have different requirements. There are 2 or 3 different models of trust/vouching - home (banks), work (employers) non-home, non-work and work. There are applications for certificates, such as the Veterans Affairs/Immigration Act, where they will use certificates when it related to foreign students. We need to make sure that universities can manage the complexities of these certificate models.

Wireless Security was another topic. In-building roaming, cross campus roaming, VPNs, Hardware such as authenticating routers may be useful.

Educause has been given responsibility for the .edu domain.

There was a half day session on portals. Stanford, Univ Delaware, and Univ Wisc. shared some of their experiences. Stanford uses an off the shelf package called Blue Martini. They ended up with not quite a portal tool, but a tool that could be configured to do what they wanted. It is more a CRM, e-commerce tool. They are integrating mail, and PeopleSoft with Blue Martini now.

UPortal is used by University of Delaware. Princeton is also using this. It is an open source, XML, collaborative product. There are 3 releases to date, 8 schools use it, 20 in progress of getting on board, and 24 evaluating it. It can integrate with WebCT, and Blackboard, and is an open source, so it is free within the community.

Univ of Wisc had a major integration project using another tool, but ran into some issues with trying to integrate mail. It was not stable, and with 40,000 students using it, it was a problem. It was a political nightmare trying to get PeopleSoft into the portal. They learned a lot of lessons and would do it again, just differently. Is anyone using SAP portal? No one was using it.

What resources does Duke need if they are to create a portal? Some schools had 8 people working on their projects, need collaborative group, possibly be able to swap code, etc. We really haven't researched it enough to know for sure.

What services would we want in a Portal, again, we haven't researched it completely, but most likely, student services, email, and some financial pieces.

Trying to target especially first years with a Duke Advantage program - if you buy a computer from Duke you are going to get a higher level of support, since it is becoming more and more difficult to provide support for everything and everyone. Looking to have a group of things that are supported and supported well. Also, the pricing would be more competitive and with it comes better service.

Student PC configurations for fall

Ginny Cake & Jim Rigney: Would like to have students purchase their computers if they are buying new through the Duke computer store. Working to have accurate support for the users on campus, standard user vs power user. They have been working with the provost and CITIE steering committee to develop a marketing plan- concentrating on first years without computers.

Went over specifications that were formed from a group of people from other areas. It was brought up that there needs to be something that says this is what you need to at least have if you bring an older machine.

Trying to target especially first years with a Duke Advantage program - if you buy a computer from Duke you are going to get a higher level of support, since it is becoming more and more difficult to provide support for everything and everyone. Looking to have a group of things that are supported and supported well. Also, the pricing would be more competitive and with it comes better service.

It was mentioned that Mac and Linux users need to be accommodated as well. It was discussed that support for Linux needs to be geared up.

Going to put together the lower limits for the older machines, what we support, what we can't support. The low end recommendations need to be specified - if you bring your own machine, what is a reasonable minimum?

Update on student network bandwidth issues

  • DULUG is 3rd largest user of bandwidth on the network.
  • Now it is also moving to departments where they are seeing bandwidth being used by uploading files.
  • This was a problem on Resnet and a cap was implemented since we share the network resources with UNC, and NC State.
    • An educational campaign was put in place to help students understand why this cap was implemented. A website was created, as well as posters and an ad in the Chronicle to help students who do not even know they are creating this problem.
  • Bob Currier & Debbie DeYulia:

    It was discussed that there needs to be a policy in place that if there is a drastic increase in bandwidth from some area, as an emergency, Datacom would put a throttle on that area to keep the rest of the network from being effected. It was also mentioned that groups would like to get information about their groups so that they can do social engineering if necessary.

SAP Business Warehouse

  • Lack of easy to use query and ad hoc reporting tools in R/3
  • R/3 reports are operational in nature;transaction based
  • Performance issues associated with running reports/ad hoc queries against a production, transaction processing database
  • Predefined business content
    • R/3 data extractor
    • Data models
    • Reports/Queries
  • Phase I
    • Implementation of BW System with limited procurement and financial functions
    • Implement BW system (hardware and software environment)
    • Define information delivery mechanisms
    • Develop Duke BW expertise
    • Define data requirements/data model for procurement and financial data
    • Develop limited set of BW reports/queries for procurement and financials
  • Phase II - complete development of procurement and financial functions
  • Phase III - implementation of HR/Payroll functions
  • Phase IV - Addition of non - R/3 data (if applicable)
  • Report delivery over web
  • OLAP analysis with excel
  • Integration with SAP portal product
  • Integration with 3rd party reporting tools - Crystal Reports
  • Todd Orr:

    Why do we need decision support tools for R/3?

    Why use business warehouse for R/3 decision support?

    SAP's future report development will be in BW, not R/3 BW is core component in offerings (CRM, SEM, E-Procurement)

    Current Status of BW at Duke

    We now own BW

    Beginning project planning phase

    • Scope
    • Technical landscape
    • Project organization
    • Implementation methodology

    Potential Project Scope/Phasing

    BW Information Delivery