Attending: Mike Baptiste, John Board, Wayne Miller (for Dick Danner), Angel Dronsfield, David Ferriero, Nevin Fouts, Tracy Futhey, Ed Gomes, Billy Herndon, David Jamieson-Drake, David Jarmul, Andy Keck (for Roger Loyd), Melissa Mills, Kyle Johnson (for Caroline Nesbit), George Oberlander, Jim Coble (for Lynne O'Brien), Mike Pickett, Molly Tamarkin, Clare Tufts, Fred Westbrook
Guests: Rob Carter, Randy Haskin, Rob Little, Suzanne Maupin, Ben
Call to Order: Meeting called to order 4:05 pm
Review of Minutes and Announcements:
OIT Update - Tracy Futhey
Tracy talked about 2 roles at the last ITAC:
• Mike Pickett - User role - He will work with IT leaders and individual users to identify emerging interests and trends in how technology is and might be used.
• Posted as a position - Technology push piece- Facilitate technology discussion across duke, identify emerging technologies and match with users needs.
Tracy had many conversations within OIT and decided upon the following:
- Billy Herndon will take a charged up role related to administrative and enterprise systems. He will proactively identify upcoming systems and the delivery of systems and closely collaborate with administrative leaders and units across Duke to identify emerging needs.
- Billy and Mike will work closely - establish a need for something and then decide when to do it Angel Will take care of the bigger issues of planning, business strategy, and resource management support to OIT.
- Rafael - Will continue to have an important role in joint reporting for pieces of the shared network
The titles are:
- Mike - Deputy CIO (folds in special assistant to the provost position)
- Billy - Assistant Vice President for Enterprise Information Systems and Services
- Angel - Senior Director for OIT Planning and Business Strategy
- Within OIT, 2 groups were merged. Rob Carter's Systems Administration and Suzanne Maupin's Directory Services groups will combine to form a new group called - Systems and Core Services. Both services they deliver are things we need, they are the core underlying services for which other things work. Rob will be focused on system and technical architecture issues, while Suzanne will focus on the project issues and deliverables.
David Jarmul: How are you going to tell the broader community?
Tracy: Not rushing to make any announcements until classes start back up towards September
Tracy hopes everyone will view the resources of OIT as things they can call on as they need to
Video Subcommittee Request for Assistance - Jim Coble & Wayne Miller
The subcommittee has been gathering information from the Duke community - who is doing what, what they think we need in regards to video.The 2 groups the subcommittee is working to solicit input from are Duke administrators and Duke faculty. They have been trying to figure out how to get their input.
They decided to develop a survey that would hopefully be distributed as widely as possible to administrators and faculty about how they are using video now or would like to use video services. They would also like to get members for some focus groups and hoping the input will help shape the focus groups
What they are asking of ITAC members is to distribute the survey to their individual groups Jim will send the survey to Mike, who will forward it to the ITAC list. In turn, it is asked that members forward the invitation to administrators and faculty in their particular areas.
It is a short survey - 16 questions - URL will be in the email, forward on to admins and faculty in your area, you can personalize the email if you would like.. Please everyone help get this out, the more responses the better. The goal is to turn it around quickly. They really want to get to people they don't know and don't know what their interests are so that they can have a good representation.
II. ITAC Academic Technology Committee Proposed members - Mike Pickett
ITAC Academic Technology Steering Committee Recommendations - July 25, 2002 (passed out list of possible people for the committee not confirmed with people, so they may say no... barring any changes, move rapidly and make group functional)
Approach: Seek approximately 3 ISIS, 3 CIT advisory, 3 ITAC, 3 Administrative, and at least 1 professional school representative with a preference for teaching faculty (especially faculty who have won teaching awards).
CIT Advisory - Roger Loyd - Divinity School
CIT Advisory - Owen Astrachan- Arts and Sciences
CIT Advisory - Paula Ecklund - Fuqua School of Business
ISIS - Scott Lindroth - Art and Sciences
ISIS - (have Phil Jones recommend someone) - School of Engineering
ISIS - Ellen Mickiewicz (try Sim Sitkin if she can't) - Public Policy
ITAC - Patrick Halpin - NSOE
ITAC - Clare Tufts - Arts and Sciences
Dorianee Coleman - Law
Peter Feaver - Arts and Sciences
Linda Goodwin - Nursing
Lee Willard - Arts and Sciences
Pat Thibodeau- School of Medicine
Lyndsay Beal - DSG VP for Academic Affairs
Admin - Joe Harris - CTL&W
Admin - Lynne O'Brien - CIT
Admin - Michael Pickett - OIT - Chair
Dean Bob Thompson
David Ferriero
Other Faculty to ask if needed (also teaching award winners):
Allen Kelley - Economics
Melissa Malouf - English
David Jamieson Drake - Is this group focused on teaching technology?
Mike Pickett- Teaching and using technology, not intended to be extremely technical - the attempt is to have a blend of people. It balances an interest in both research and instructional computing support.
David Jamieson Drake - Since we have people who won teaching awards, maybe we should have someone who has won an award teaching w/ technology have teaching leaders, maybe have technology leaders too?
John Board - there is a committee focusing on research computing support. Perhaps there should be some kind of knowledge sharing between the two committees.
David Ferriero and Dean Thompson were moved to the Sponsors committee level, since this ITAC subcommittee is intended to be a working group.
III. Introduction to DSG student rep and observations on students and technology - Brandon Taylor
Brandon was not able to attend the meeting and this topic was cancelled. It will be rescheduled for another meeting.
IV. Calendaring and event management - David Jarmul & Rob Little Centralized Event Calendar - July 25, 2002
Background- In March 2002, David Jarmul, Associate VP of News and Communications requested assistance in finding a quick solution to a problem facing Duke. He acknowledged that Duke's web site, as well as the associated departmental, school, and organization sites now offer an array of incompatible calendars that make it impossible to find in one place any related event listings.
He also outlines a series of quick goals:
Quickly create a centralized event calendar system with higher and better university and departmental participation.
Enable event owners to more easily present event information cohesively on a Duke - wide basis
Use any existing systems or efficiencies effectively and, as much as possible, avoid significant cost or work for any individual group.
Avoid interfering with other kinds of online calendars (such as those used for academic purposes).
Bring the events to the attention of a much larger audience types, both in and out of the specific Duke community.
Stakeholder Interviews - A select group of key calendar stakeholders was identified and interviewed to determine what features and specific needs they might have and to encourage participation in a centralized effort.
Recommendation - The scope and goal of this project, as validated by the stakeholder interviews, required a product with heavy workflow and content management features. Most of the products reviewed as web event solutions were either cost-prohibitive, focused specifically on personal time management, or did not include the features we identified in the stakeholder interviews.
After reviewing all the purchase options and based on the fact that we wanted a solution implemented before the beginning of the fall semester, it was suggested we proceed with the Lotus Notes solution. This option offers most of the features requested by realizing several existing support and development efficiencies. Compared with other calendar projects, many of the initial implementation hurdles would be avoided and most of the expense focused on customizing the existing software product to meet the specific campus needs.
It has been expressed that the University will be working toward a comprehensive enterprise-wide time management solution. This will most likely encompass a public web calendar event solution. Although Lotus Notes solution is considered a stopgap or a throwaway system, it should be noted that many of the features and business rule changes would lay an important groundwork for a replacement system.
The Lotus/Domino solution will offer the following features and benefits. Many of these can be viewed as part of the existing calendar:
Browser based administration
Cross browser compatible
Low training impact
Print friendly versions
ADA compliant
Workflow & Approval
XML interfacesPublic event calendars
The office of news and communications gets phone calls and emails regularly from people in Durham or alumni who just want to find out what is going on tonight at Duke. They say, they go to The Duke website and try to find a calendar and get a long list, but are not able to find what they need.
Talk started about integrating all calendars
It was a doable task
The goals were to make a more robust and easy to use calendar, easier to search - not create more work or cost for anyone involved.
Any solution had to be one that would work well with all groups involved
Rob Little: There was a centralized calendar tool, supported lightly, they started dialogues with groups of who were or would like to be participating. He asked how their participation was or why were they not participating. They were able to get a feel for what was in the way of those who would not participate.
One item that came up was usability issues: What should a calendar be? They went around and documented what features the groups were looking for. They looked at whether they should purchase an event calendar, was it feasible, etc. However, most were time management calendars, and they were not ready to get into that - they wanted a quick solution for the public events calendar. They took a look at, which is based on lotus notes, and decided if they tweaked it slightly, it would meet the recommendations people were looking for.It is a medium range stop gap solution, because the university will be looking at more of a universal based time management solution at some point.
This calendar will have:
search capability, search by date, text, pull down, etc.
browser based administration, browser 4.0 and above
low training impact emphasis on usability - make as intuitive for administration
archiving - many groups have repetitive activities
print friendly and ADA built in, based on workflow and content management
In the first phase, the frame set can be called into its own frame in the page. Many groups are excited about, no longer do they have to link outside of their page.Public currently sees long list, they are looking at how many of those calendars can be rolled into one space, so that you can find everything you need in one place by defining the parameters. Graphical interface will be more text based, abstract - will work well when we get into CMS
You can click for more information
Mike Baptiste- He would like to be able to pull out XML data
Rob Little- The first phase is html, The second phase, has XML push, allowing them to push data to news agencies, etc.
Mike Baptiste- They use meeting maker, and it can do the same thing. If they want to push and pull info in and out of meeting maker they can. It is important to be able to push as XML - then you can syndicate the info.
Would student type events be in here?
Currently students would be able to enter information and note it is not a public event
Kyle: Events outside on campus that have alcohol cannot be posted off campus or be posted to a webpage, they can be advertised in the chronicle.
John Board: How is advertising in the chronicle any different from posting it on a webpage?
Kyle: Not sure, those are just the rules they have to follow.
David Jarmul: this is a public calendar so will have to be careful
Rob Little: At one point they thought maybe the system could filter based whether or not you were on Duke's network
Molly Tamarkin - they could login or have disclaimer
David Jamieson- Drake - Can items have multiple filters?
Rob Little - You can add sub categories and metadata, find text searching
David Jamieson- Drake - multiple filters would be helpful
Rob Little - trying to find a way to solve that problem
David Jarmul - point well taken, we will roll out before end of August and over next few weeks, if anyone wants to see the categorizations before that and provide feedback, please let Rob Little know.
John Board - The IPAQs do not work with the calendar
Molly Tamarkin - Is there a way to browse without using filters, so you can see everything?
Rob Little - It will default to a top layer. It is browser based, admin logon, aiming for Kerberos. Once authenticated, the admin page allows you to enter your info. It is very intuitive.
David Ferriero - Is there a thesaurus?
Rob Little - not sure. Right now there are established owners of calendar central, they still need to go out to other groups and get participation
Kyle - Need to dispel with idea that there is a low training impact there has to be ongoing training, need a body in front of people
Nevin - Need to establish content owners
David Jamieson- Drake - if people can copy events, it might make it easier, things repeat, can you go in and copy? Yes, that is the archiving, and that is built in
Mike Baptiste- Not always is it that the owner of the calendar entry is the owner of the event
Rob Little - phase 2 - that is where they will look at first phase and what it is missing
Molly Tamarkin - Probably need to control vocabulary - have pull downs, and avoid free text, need a limited set of options
Rob Little - That goes along with multiple filters, multiple checks, usability, is it doable.
Kyle - To get buy in, maybe this would be the way you would get things published in dialogue, to enter them in the calendar
David Ferriero - what is relationship between calendar and dialogue.. He would want to stream in calendar stuff - when we know what is really working, etc..
Nevin - Agrees, have a button that you can click to add to dialogue, this will show it is "the" calendar
Rob Little - The rollout will be a data dump into calendar and then another one a month later. At that point it will be end of support, and then at another date they will turn off the old calendars.
VI. Enterprise Directory - data and process flows - Suzanne Maupin & Rob Carter
The background on this topic is that when the directory was brought up last time at ITAC, there were many questions about how the directory was set up and many people expressed interest in knowing the technical underpinnings
Phase one rollout - August 2 - rollout, won't be feeding systems till 2 or 3 days after that. Other phases coming later.
Initial rollout - deal with data, need to be organized and loaded. Make sure data loaded in is correct data, etc. Trying to replace online phonebook and prepare for the future life of the Enterprise Directory.
Broad overview of how data flows in and through the systemÑ7 systems primary feeds of data
Duke Unique Id Database
Duke Card System
Web-based data entry
Key goal later in the process is to provide a gateway to authenticate. Logic is built into system and works to integrate the data feeds as they .flow from top to bottom (see handout). External systems feed data into unique sets of attributes within LDAP. It is important to track info from one primary source to another.
There 7 main sections to load into
Duke Unique Id
Different data gives different info. web based data entry form is used because a lot of people do not appear in the Enterprise Directory, such as contractors, etc. The web based form is used to enter those people in
Mike Baptiste- is it OIT's wish to use LDAP authentication for accounts of non-duke people? Is it intended to be the single sign-on for non-duke people?
Rob Carter- We don't want everyone to do something different, but at this time we are not sure if that should come out of the Enterprise Directory.
Other feeds worth noting are those with arrows in both directions, feeding all authentication into directory because it is needed by the directory to participate, can also feed additional info - It will help with account maintenance - who is here and who is not here and who has accounts, etc. As the person changes roles, etc - all of the account information associated will also change automatically.
John Board - is LDAP scalable?
Rob Carter - Yes
John Board - where do conflicts in data get resolved?
Suzanne - Corrections are made in authoritative source systems (SAP for some attributes) , which is then fed into LDAP. When the connection is built to the alumni database, changes will propagate to and from that. SAP will own most of the attributes associated with employees.
Rob Carter - Live updates of everything will happen on the fly eventually
John Board - Is there a list of those systems that are not yet tied to the Enterprise Directory?
Rob - Could probably get a listing, but it might not be complete
There are 7 eduPersonAffiliation:
How does data get outside? iDAR - directory access router multiple LDAPs can sit behind router and be load balanced. For access to current directory - that system will be forwarding to same port. Day one you will get new data and not have to make any changes on your clients. See handout for detailed information or contact Rob Carter or Suzanne Maupin
VII.Other business
Happy Birthday Tracy!
Adjourned: 5:31