Members Attending: Ed Anapol, Mike Baptiste, Pakis Bessias, John Board, Angel Dronsfield, Ken Hirsh (for Dick Danner), Brian Eder, Ed Gomes (for David Ferriero), Tim Searles (for Nevin Fouts), Tracy Futhey, Ed Gomes, Alan Halachmi, Patrick Halpin, Billy Herndon, David Jamieson-Drake, Molly Tamarkin (for Ken Knoerr), Roger Loyd, Melissa Mills, Caroline Nisbet, George Oberlander, Lynne O'Brien, Mike Pickett, Rafael Rodriguez, Clare Tufts, Fred Westbrook, Robert Wolpert, Stephen Woody
Guests: Ginny Cake, Chris Cramer, Debbie DeYulia, Larry Moneta
Call to Order: Meeting called to order 4:05 PM
Review of Minutes and Announcements:
- High alert during SISS registration period looking for a good success from last time. Senior registration is Friday, March 29.
- Lynne O'Brien announced the Instructional Technology Showcase which will be held on April 25 and 26. See for more details and to sign up.
- Tracy Futhey gave a reminder that the CFLIX beta started on March 21. This is the video on demand service for the students that is being beta tested this semester.
Introduction and a discussion with the Vice President of Student Affairs, Larry Moneta
- IT issues: as they relate to students
- IT issues: specific to departments within Student Affairs
- IT issues: specific to staff within Student Affairs
Larry Moneta has been with the University for about 8 months. He has 3 main issues he wanted to address:
General IT issues as they relate to the students: Larry recently spoke on technology and student affairs. There is the student as the learner and consumer. As a learner it is important to provide technology access to the student, via the library, technology services, etc. As a consumer, there are initiatives such as CFLIX, 24x7 support, recognizing the increasing nocturnal lives of the students and having support available when needed. At Duke a large majority of students live on campus so technology and student housing is very important.
IT support for students- changing the housing model, smaller housing structures with more technical support. Have a strong partnership with OIT. They are increasing the expectation of service anywhere anytime.
IT Issues within the Student Affairs Dept and Staff: There are specific applications that are used in student affairs such as for housing assignments, on-line housing assignments eventually, things like CFLIX, etc. Housing is the biggest technology user, residential phone services, health services (online education, such as the Online Healthy Devil), on-line medical records, appointments, and health insurance. With these services confidentiality issues arise.
How to communicate is a big issue: How to announce all of the events that go on. How to communicate to key areas. Possible portal development. Myportal, by which students can customize their own web page possibly. Looking to ease communication. These days the public and media know about things before parents, etc. As student affairs, they are there to be the crises response and need time before responding to the media about incidents that occur. How to get that time and communication?
TV and radio and cell phones are all other mediums that affect the students and provide technology, so it affects student affairs.
David Jamieson-Drake: Can you talk about the notion of "village" and the community within the larger community. How does IT fit into this?
Larry Moneta: West campus is isolated, would like to have a "village" instead of just the Bryan Center- the Student Union, Bryan Center, Page, Flowers, etc. The village is like a community, multipurpose space for the students. "Neighborhoods" adjacent to the village. Technology is involved, things like kiosks possibly, wireless, residential technology, etc.Alan Halachmi: Is there an opportunity for OIT and Student Affairs to collaborate on integrated services in the dorms like Ethernet, phone, vm. Can it be consolidated, not Student Affairs for housing and OIT for services?
Larry Moneta: Need to strategically adjust fees. There are ways to overcome barriers so that tuition does not go up, it is a political issue. Would like a one stop shopping for student services, a common front door.John Board: How is your office involved in the technology roll-out for going all wireless?
Larry Moneta: The infrastructure is in place, but still need to get the resources. Do not necessarily see a need for wireless in the dorms.
John Board: Students will put wireless in themselves if we don't.
Larry Moneta: Need to work on marketing, can we standardize? What can they buy from us? Robert Wolpert: Students will depend on wireless and the Ethernet ports won't suit their needs.
Larry Moneta: Does not object to this, but this is not where they are putting their first dollar. OIT and Student Affairs will definitely work to do things collectively.
Discussion of a proposal for an ITAC video services subcommittee
Mark Olson has been to ITAC to give a demonstration of some of the streaming efforts going on. September 11 showed us when we were asked to provide streaming video over the web that we weren't as prepared as an Institution as we would like to be. We need to figure out a way as an Institution to provide the services that are needed.
Mike Pickett and David Jamieson-Drake brought a proposal forward for a subcommittee of ITAC. It was agreed that this was a needed committee.
ITAC Video Services Subcommittee - DRAFT - March 22, 2002 I. Purpose The recent emergence of internet-based video services suggest that it is time to review the video conferencing and video streaming services needed at Duke and the way that they are provided. Evolving video services and technologies will need organized support to obtain the optimal balance of cost, quality, scalability and adaptability. The charge to the subcommittee is to create a plan for such support. II. Timeline and Desired Outcomes The Video Service Subcommittee will meet for up to three months to report back to ITAC with recommendations for: * The array of video services needed to support academic and administrative efforts at Duke * A model suggesting which services could best be provided in departments, centrally, or through contract services * Common or "best practices" for low-end and high-end services * A method by which new and emerging video service innovations could be evaluated and the results shared Duke University community III. Members Members will be appointed to serve an initial three-month term and may be reappointed. A steering committee of up to seven members will set the agenda for the committee efforts. ******************************************************************
IT security update and discussion
Chris Cramer, University IT Security Officer
The Duke NetID is being used more and more places: SAP, ACES, Blackboard, etc. The NetID proves who you are and with the recent attacks, they have looked at the quality of the passwords and realized there were a lot of poor passwords.
Chris is proposing to have a campaign on improving password strength. Chris provided a handout with the technical terms and descriptions of how the NetID and passwords work.
Right now there are no password policies. There are a lot of different things that could be enforced, such as number of characters, maximum age, past passwords, dictionary checking, expiring passwords, etc.
It was decided that Chris should come up with a proposal for making passwords stronger and increasing security. Chris said he would come up with 2-3 straw man proposals and then come back to ITAC. If you have any suggestions, please email Chris Cramer.