Attending: Ed Anapol, Mike Baptiste, Pakis Bessias, John Board, Ken Hirsh (for Dick Danner), Angel Dronsfield, Brian Eder, David Ferriero, Nevin Fouts, Tracy Futhey, Ed Gomes, Patrick Halpin, Alfred Trozzo (for Paul Herrod), Billy Herndon, Bob Newlin (for David Jamieson-Drake), Ken Knoerr, Andrew Keck (for Roger Loyd), Melissa Mills, Caroline Nisbet, George Oberlander, Jim Coble (for Lynne O'Brien), Mike Pickett, Rafael Rodriguez, Mike Russell, Fred Westbrook, Robert Wolpert, Stephen Woody

Guests: Ginny Cake, Chris Cramer, Sarah Roberts, Molly Tamarkin

Call to Order: Meeting called to order 4:05 PM

I. Review of Minutes and Announcements:

  • Streaming video subcommittee - Met 2 times so far. They have created a snapshot of where they are, creating a gap analysis, where they need to be and what to do to get there. In the next few days they will post a link for ITAC to refer to and read about the material covered in the meetings. It will be a resource for ITAC and the Duke community. So far they have a good committee together.
  • SPAM - There was a script created that took email addresses from the online telephone directory and sent Spam messages to them all. Right now, outside of domain, people cannot see the email addresses. They can come in via the proxy server and see the email addresses. This will be taken off line and a better solution will be determined, this was done in the interim to stop the immediate problem of the large amount of Spam.

Duke Technology Advantage Computer Purchase Program

  • Consists of service and support
  • Minimum configurations for both laptop and desktops
  • A group talked to IBM, Dell and Apple and negotiated the best prices for Duke, the discounts ranged from 18 - 36%
  • Gathered a lot of input from other, such as the IT support Group
  • The final marketing material is going to the printer, mailed out in 2 weeks.
  • The website is work in progress:
  • Official packets will contain materials to promote the new systems
  • Duke Technology Advantage Computer Purchase Program
  • can order through a new website auxiliaries has put together to allow purchasing and ordering online
    • Warranties: Dell
    • 4 year laptop and desktop, IBM
    • 3 year laptop, does include screen breakage
    • Departments can also use this website and take advantage of the prices
    • Students can order "bundles" that consist of the machine, a surge protector, and an ethernet cable
  • Service and Support for program
  • Help Desk is working closely with computer repair, the help desk has moved to the second floor of the North Building
  • There will be initial consultation by the service center (a part of the help desk) and seamless integration with computer repair for any hardware repairs
  • Loaner laptops will be offered based on certain conditions
  • Warranty, service, and support a plus
  • Students without an Advantage program computer, given consultation too, but limited amount of support, give them other options
  • This program has been approved by the Provost and Tallman Trask
  • The prices and models will be review every quarter.
  • Ginny Cake

OIT Supported Software

CITIE update

  • Academic Strategic Plan, where we are, principles that govern the committee
  • Handout given with the defining principles
  • Finished last meeting of the year, what are the next steps? Talked about turning it into an ITAC subcommittee. It was proposed to Tracy and ITAC
  • Assessment: Need to be able to measure and benchmark, How will we know if we are doing well? What are the measurements? Have we accomplished what we wanted to?
  • Are we making an impact? What have we done, what are we planning on doing?
  • Still a lot of research to do: What are we trying to do, what statements are we trying to make with academic technology at Duke?
  • Collaborate across groups, leverage points across the groups
  • Would we support the subcommittee? Put together thinkpieces, new initiatives, the subcommittee will go off and work, pull together ideas and make recommendations to ITAC
  • Membership for subcommittee
  • how to do this? There is already a large overlap with ITAC members, try to go outside of ITAC, maybe a small subset of ITAC members and for the subcommittee
  • Subcommittee will come back with a recommendation of a charter for the group, what to expect out of the subcommittee
  • Mike Pickett values and principles, next steps and the ITAC academic technology subcommittee

Content Management Subcommittee

  • Had 2 meetings, website at:
  • Brainstormed at the first meeting to decide what the goal and objective of the group was
  • Talked to Tracy and David Jarmul
  • Next Wed, will have goals defined and up on the website
  • Aggressive timeline
  • Tracy asked: Scopewise, what are we trying to do?
    1. Need to keep websites current,
    2. Central locations, files can exist anywhere and be pulled from central sources, changes propagate out
    3. Avoid redundant content
    4. Leverage existing resources, become more efficient, better utilization of what we have already
    5. Develop standards and policies where appropriate (like ADA)
    6. Enable and promote interoperability, make open enough to attach to other databases
  • Ginny Cake defining system scope

Early observations on the state of technology at Duke

  • Her plan is on track, beginning part, getting to know the place
  • Met with a ton of people: faculty, deans, dept heads, employees, etc. to see what they are doing
  • This summer would like to take a look at some new initiatives
  • Early observations:
    • Duke has made significant progress over the past several years in networking, administrative applications, etc, Duke is really getting there technology-wise.
    • There is a need for consistent use of technology in academic settings, which has started with CITIE
    • ITAC forum is an effective and unique way to talk about issues - has good scope (faculty, tech support, students) there is good information exchange, wide range of issues and complexities, improves the Central vs Everyone else, also there is a very high level of participation which isn't always seen
  • More early observations:
    • there are pockets and major units of technology around campus
    • Some depts do their own thing, some rely on the central organization, some have a mix, need to look at these services and make sure it makes sense that groups are doing things in the most effective way
    • ITAC advised to what OIT is doing and is getting information out to schools, but how do we get that communication exchange for the schools with each other or back to ITAC?
    • There are a lot of committees at Duke : minimum vs maximum process
    • There were themes in a lot of the meetings: different themes based on the constituencies: different groups think differently about part of strategic advising being technology;
    • IT is growing or needs to grow;
    • Things are in pretty good shape;
    • Emerging areas include:
      • webstuff,
      • video or network,
      • mass storage,
      • collaboration
    • Some groups didn't know how to navigate through technology at Duke, what does OIT do? What happens here, etc.
    • On academic side, OIT wasn't necessarily meeting their needs, they where going it on their own
    • Need more communication
    • better ways to tie into different schools
    • are things we are doing relevant to them? Or vice versa, is what they are doing bigger and should it be made into a centrally organized item?
    • The challenge is to come up with more effective, formal communication channels
    • Need an effective process to evaluate things
    • The biggest challenge potentially is to be agile, to identify what to do and make the move to do it. Bring agility to places that historically have not had to be agile -
      • Be agile so when we identify something that is important we can figure out where we need to be and get there
      • Agility in the organization in dealing with what we do in the central organization versus decentralized
      • Identify how we can be agile together
    • need to come up with unique ways to communicate, commonality with systems, See a lack of unique, effective communication.
    • The central organization has to be there to help, but also the depts need to figure out what makes sense to do themselves.
  • Tracy Futhey

    Meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm