Members present: Ed Anapol, John Board, Paul Conway, Dick Danner represented by Ken Hirsh, Angel Dronsfield, Brian Eder, David Ferriero represented by Robert Byrd, Tracy Futhey, Michael Gettes, Billy Herndon, David Jamieson-Drake represented by Bob Newlin, Kyle Johnson, Scott Lindroth, Melissa Mills, George Oberlander, Rafael Rodriguez, Molly Tamarkin, Robert Wolpert

Guests present: Todd Orr; Chris Cramer, IT Security; Phil Lemons, News & Communications; Kathy Pfeiffer; Bill (illegible); Mike Alexander, OIT

Start time: 4:11 pm

I. Review of minutes and announcements:

Student listings in phone book--Angel tell ITAC that starting this fall there will no longer be a student section in the university telephone book. Research showed students use the online directory to find each other.

II. Faculty access to SAP grant data

Todd Orr tells ITAC that his group has been trying to allow access to grant information in SAP. They had a pilot group of faculty members working in June and July. Last week the pilot group gave feedback. Todd’s group is working through final revisions with a September/October goal to make the system available to any faculty interested in using it.

Differences in this version: Changed the term fiscal month and year to Calendar; Shows research grants direct cost budgets; Shows fund balance for discretionary funds, gift funds, and things that are not actual grants; If there is a problem, the cell is highlighted in red; You can drill down to a more detailed statement; You can view by category against the budget.

Kyle Johnson asks how old the data is if it is coming from the SAP data warehouse.

Todd says the data is one day old.

Chris Cramer asks if the interface is browser generic?

Todd says John Cook’s group (OIT CDSS) tested and things look good.

Todd reiterates this is in the works and coming up, and he hopes many faculty members will find this a useful tool.

Kyle asks if this will work for all 3xx codes. The answer is yes.

Todd adds that a non-faculty member can use this too with appropriate access because access is determined by Duke Unique ID.

III. Student pictures and rosters

Faculty have been requesting thumbnail pictures of students in courses to help identify students. Kathy Pfeiffer says with help from the Duke Card office, and the Identity Management Group, photographic rosters will be available this fall. The system taps into the LDAP directory. Normally this data is protected, but if it is used for instructional purposes it can be used. Not all the students have photos in the system. About 300 freshmen have yet not sent photos.

Michael Gettes points out when the photos are taken after students arrive, they will be in the system. But Kathy adds that it may take time (most likely one or two days) because caching has to take place.

It has all been thoroughly tested and it is only waiting for sign off.

John Board asks if the load on the server has been tested.

Sue Jarrell says preliminary load testing did not show any problems.

Molly is curious how this photo information can be used.

It is private information except when used for academic purposes. Advisors may find it helpful. There is a reminder at the end of each roster that reminds people the information is private and cannot be used except for academic purposes.

IV. Duke iPod project

Tracy Futhey reports that his fall iPods will be given to all first-year students. Ryan Lombardi in Student Affairs has collected orientation materials that will be pre-loaded on the iPods, as well as orientation schedules, contact information, audio about Duke and Durham, and more. Lynne O'Brien and her group in CIT are working with faculty to identify appropriate academic content. At this point we expect the iPods will be used in foreign language classes where students will listen and record back exercises. Other courses will use them to listen to recorded lectures, record field notes, and various other uses. A freshmen engineering course is considering using iPods for signal processing and then subsequent analysis in Matlab. There are many other ideas being talked about.

Scott Lindroth asks about licensing issues for using recorded music. Has that been worked out?

Tracy says not yet. In the case of Spanish classes, the book Publishers gave permission to record the book exercises. Licensing will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Chris Cramer says some of those issues may be governed by the TEACH Act, it needs to be researched.

John Board asks what will stop students from selling their iPods on eBay.

Tracy says is is not clear what we can or will do at this point.

Molly asks what to tell faculty who want an iPod to use in their courses.

Tracy says they need to tell us how they will use them and we will consider whether these courses become part of the program. She suggested Molly consider purchasing 2-3 iPods that can be loaned out to faculty in the explorations phase.

John Board points out that there will be a Duke Web site, but he asks who is responsible for running it, OIT or Apple?

Tracy says we are still working out the technical details.

Paul Conway is concerned about music files because Duke does not have resources to investigate intellectual property issues. He wants to know whether the TEACH Act covers downloads to personally owned devices. That is the sticky point. University-owned devices are one thing, but personally owned devices are another.

V. Use of SSNs at Duke

by Billy Herndon, Mike Pickett

Chris Cramer reviews that on Sept. 8 last year, Tallman Trask issued a memo that the inappropriate use of SSNs needed to stop by June 30, 2004. A lot of other schools were taking up to 7 years between declaring SSN use was inappropriate and the deadline for not using them anymore.

We started looking at feeds coming out of SAP, SISS, and the identity management system. Our intention was to go after the large sources. A fair number of sites and systems are no longer using SSNs after 10 months.

Tallman Trask was encouraged to see how far we’ve come in such a short period. We hope by the end of the year that the majority of SSN feeds will be changed where used inappropriately.

Rafael says the state of NC contacted him to find out what Duke was doing about inappropriate use of SSNs. The point being the state is getting involved in this. Chris says that is good to know.

Chris says there are two fronts to this, one is the systems accessing SSN feeds and the other is systems that have duplicated databases of SSNs, shadow systems. A future step for the identity management system is a regular auditing of people who have access to SSNs.

Michael Gettes asks if a followup notice is warranted either from Dr. Trask or Chris just as a reminder that you are not supposed to have SSNs unless you’ve been blessed.

Chris says not until we finish the systems that are in the process of being corrected.

Kyle asks if there will be a mandate to go through archives and purge the SSNs.

Chris says that is not realistic. Ken Hirsh says it should be an issue of who has access to the archives.

VI. Other business


End time: 5:08 p